I see you, and the
agony decreases.
I grasp you, and the
string half-releases.

A celestial salve,
upon this spiral staircase
whose weary ascent
seems boundless,
but for your generous
glimpses of what
might be,
in your foot trails.

Copyright ©2009 Ashi Shadow -2007.

Based on Faust I (Goethe) lines 696-697.
Also scribbled near the poem: Page 27, the bottom, 2 spirits, p 37-38.
(presumably inspiration for the later part of the poem).
Was [glimpse actually means 'letting glimpse' or 'showing glimpses of'] Version is the blue/black cover with a white square, Norton Critical editions.
ISBN 10: 0393092089 ISBN 13: 9780393092080