That was the noise that he heard
inside his head
when she broke up with him
the concussion disorienting him,
his emotions ricocheting inside his skull
permeating through his brain
with each wave.
He stumbled through the rest of the conversation
and on with his life.
Ambling without purpose
or the ability to walk straight.
If there was an 'under the influence'
test for one's mental state
we would call him impaired.

He loved her.
That was his dependency.
More than an addiction,
it was a need.
There was no "he" without "her".
He wandered into the woods
of his soul
searching for meaning.
He meandered between the trees
and found nothing
but the wind.
without finding solace
he found calm.
But he was lost.
He did not know
the path he had taken
to get where he was.
But he looked down,
and he saw something,
of himself.
He followed his own blood trail home.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow Finished 2/3/18 it started with just a concept of following his own blood trail home after a broken heart.
I am not completely satisfied with it.
Perhaps somebody else could rewrite it entirely with that metaphor and her stabbing him in the heart or something, and acknowledge me in the notes.
I think I got the idea from a line at the poetry reading at pretentious.
In the initial notes, there was a line like "She had beaten his soul bloody / until the life dropped from its arms."