I came with a single rose,
only to find that he'd brought a dozen.
I made you figures from snow,
but he'd forged you an army of stone,
I tried to give you a compliment,
but it was buried beneath his praises
I then built you a monument,
but he'd made you eight fortresses
I acquired for you a mile,
but he'd claimed for you the West.
I finally made you smile,
but he'd already made you happiest.

I'm always a step behind-
there's not much that I can do.
I'll always be inadequate,
but it's I who most loves you.
Not my best work, but I've created worse. The fact that there's 8 fortresses has some significance... I don't like that my army's of stone bit doesn't rhyme but I'm feeling rather stubborn about changing it. Eventually I may though. Maybe.
Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow (05/09/02, on Sonnet)