You walk amongst the dark'ned halls
with lights that have gone dim,
behooved to set afoot a blighted path
by one's misguided whim.

An honored vow was once been broken-
I do not doubt you did.
but I ask you now to tell me this,
does he not now too break his?

So I beg of you, beseech of you,
to look up from your feet,
to let your eyes leave those dank gray tiles
so that yours and mine may meet.

I do not deny that this pretentious world
will try to push you back down,
that it will call you names and say you're wrong
and say that's where you belong.

But don't you fret, and don't go back
down into that labyrinth,
'cause my arms are waiting and my sword is aching,
to hold you and fight for you, forthwith.

So let them come, let them bring their hordes,
let them show us what they've got,
let them call us both a pair of criminals,
but they'll never tear us apart.

I promise you that I'll stand by you
and face them for what I'm worth,
so that if they do take you they'll have to take me too,
and bury us together, beneath that earth.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow
2/6/04 On Katie. It's about her literally being trapped in a labyrinth, but not randomly. The story goes that she wanted to be with me, but was not "supposed" to be with me. But she and I got involved anyway, and she lied about it. So her family essentially disengages from her and disowns her (the whim was that she shouldn't be with me, her father is the "his," breaking his vow to protect her / take care of her), and the town throws her into the labyrinth (and excommunicates my citizenship as well, ignoring my existence). But I won't stand for it, and I won't stand for her being bottled away when she doesn't deserve it. And so... the story goes. (Actually, and more importantly, I won’t stand for her feeling like she’s something bad/wrong when she’s not.)