*wanders out and twirls around in the fields of wheat,
with visions of you twirling with him in winter
while the violin's notes twirl across his heart*

You stand in the doorway, watching me,
and I know you want to hold my hand,
but the hand that caresses your cheek won't be mine.

I know that when I tell you stories of my adventures,
that it makes you wish that you had adventures of your own, too.
And I know that it makes you wish that you could go on adventures with me,
But those days are gone now- I don't go on adventures anymore.
I'm too old, I'm not what I used to be.

But you're still young. My days of yore may be gone now,
but yours still aren't. Ah, if only you were born 20 years ago,
back when the magic flowed through my veins.

I would have liked to have fought side by side with you,
I would have taken you through the skies and shown you purple,
and we would have come home from wars with purple hearts, together.

But nay, your day is now, and perhaps you've missed your day,
but your day is now. So make the most of it,
I know that there are adventures for you, still.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow

5/13/03 on Katie
Of course, adventures = romance and old = ruined (jaded I guess) Note: She sent an e-mail responding to this poem:)

The entry below was with the original, and included a second poem: I... what am I supposed to say. Maybe the above needs a little work, but things are tearing at my heart. But you know, it's better to wake up in the middle of the night with the blood on my hands and the dagger in my heart, even in the middle of finals week- because it's better than waking up to nothing. And it's better than waking up to someone else.