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Friday, 10 November 2006

Hey hi whats up? nm here just chillin. Nad oh yeah I am so going to watch all the Star wars movies tommorow andi might even be able to watch then with my boyfriend and he might even be able to spend the night!!!! oh my gosh i am so happy. oh yeah I am not doing so well in school failing a few classes but oh well there not5 madatory so that's fine.

Posted by poetry/asher21 at 8:30 PM EST
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Saturday, 23 September 2006

little things
¢¾To every girl that
dresses cute, not skanky.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who
wants to be called beautiful, not hot.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that will spend her whole day
looking for the perfect present for you.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who gets her heart
broken, because he chose that bitch instead¢¾

¢¾To every girl that would die
to have a decent boyfriend.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who would just once like
to be treated like a princess.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that cries at night
because of another heartbreak.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that won't get down on her knees
and open her mouth just to get a boyfriend.¢¾

Why don't guys understand that most girls don't like any of this and like getting treted this way. Why? Why? Why?

¢¾To every girl that
just wants to hold hands.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that
kisses him with meaning.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who
just wishes he cared more.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who would just once want a guy to give
their jacket up when they are cold.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who
just wants him to call¢¾.

¢¾To every girl who lies
awake at night thinking about him.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that
just wants to cuddle.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that
just wants to sleep with him without having sex.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that is SCARED to put her heart
out there again, because she has been HURT
too many times or so badly.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who shows how much
she cares and gets nothing back.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that thought
'maybe this one could be the one'.

To every girl that laughs at stupid stuff
when she actually doesn't think it is funny.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who is just looking for that one
and only and is having a rough time along the way.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that has been cheated on,
because she's not a slut who gives it up to any guy.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that doesn't want a guy who
just plays with her emotions but actually cares
about how she feels.¢¾

¢¾To every girl who wants
words backed up with actions.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that fell for all the lies
only to find themselves alone in the end.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that gave her heart away
to have it shoved back in her face.¢¾

¢¾To every girl that has faith that 'tomorrow will be a better day.'¢¾

¢¾And it will be.¢¾

Posted by poetry/asher21 at 7:24 PM EDT
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Friday, 8 September 2006

Mood:  not sure
Hey what's up? Not much here. Well Ok today should be like my toltal happy day right because its my 1 year aniversary with my boyfriend Ryan. Well yeah it is kinda and if i talk to him to night then I will act like everythings fine but to me I fell really bad because i screwed up well I was holding on to the pizza. I screwed up with that by putting down well I was carring it and then he kinda scolded me for it and I felt and still feel bad for that. i also feel bad because I asked him to stay home to night so we could talk on the phone instead of going to his friend Chris's house. Well when i kept on asking him that he told me that he was feeling like he was beinng wippied and I didn't think that I was doing that to him so I just told him that yeah I guess sure, yeah you should go to Chris's tonight. Which i really don't want him to but oh well he's probally already their right now any ways. But no that's not the problem, the problem is, is that I guess that I just wanted to hang out with him and not argue for once! But no that like never happenes. Er...... But no being me I feel like I am never good enough for him and he does not under stand why I all ways say that well I always say that because to me every little thing that I do wrong is bad and he scolds at me for it and I feel like a little kind cause he does that same thing to his younger brother and my younger brother. And i guess even sometimes at least it seems to me sometimes that if were just joking around about doing anything really, really sexually he takes it seriously and that means that like the next time that we see each other or hang out or something like that, well i don't know about you but me I kinda like doing some of that but some of the other time that we still have dering that time that we are to gether for that day I would love to just talk to him but when ever I try we all ways get into an arugment or something like that. And it sucks ass big time. But right now i feel like the biggest bitch of all and I also feel like i screwed up the most too i just feel horribal and i reall y hoope that he doesn't spen the night at Chris's so he can talk to me on the phone and I can sort of try to tell him how I'm feeling right now.

Posted by poetry/asher21 at 10:47 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 September 2006

Mood:  not sure
Ok hi I'm back to writing and today was my first day of high school and it went pretty good all up to the point of that I can not find a locker that works for me and that will open when I put the combanation in it. Well besides that it went good. Well my boyfriend and I are doing pretty well now to. So that's good but now I have a problem with two of my best friends. They are going to make sure that my boyfriend and I break up between Now and Monday because of what has happened between him and I. And I really wish that they would not do that cause I would like to stick it out longer.
But there is a bigger reason why I don't want them to break us up is because in Three days which is Setember 8th 2006 will be our 1 year aniversary!! WOW yeah i know I've never been with a guy that long and he is so special to me and he means alot to me. And I'll do anything for him and he'll do the same for me but when times get like that how the have in the past. Really bad I just didn't know what to do so I told one of my best friends and he really hated the fact of that happing so now it has come to this. Now I am kind of sort of regrating even telling my friend anything now.
But I love the guy but I love my my two friends but in a totally different way of course. but i don't want one to get a broken heart and the other one to break a promise to him self. i just don't know what to do because it's just doffucalt to tell what I should do. And i have thought of going back out with him right after they break us up but the rule is to all 4 of us is that for every month that u go out with a person u have to grive per say for 2 weeks so that would mean that i couldn't go out with him again for another 6 months. That totally sucks ass. My friend thinks that the only reason why my boyfriend dosen't want to break up with me is because so he can get so ass but to me that is so not true but he tells me that I'm not in true love it's just not love it's something else but I forgot what he told me that it was. So yeah i don't know so this is all that i have to say so far for today.

Posted by poetry/asher21 at 3:44 PM EDT
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Monday, 4 September 2006

Confused contued...
Mood:  not sure
Ok well yeah maybe some of you have read my last entry, I don't know but I will continue with that story another day. But not to day, not now.
Now I have a totally different thing that I am going through the thing is that i didn't even mean to cheat as you call it to me it wasen't even cheting on my both boyfriend but when I told him everything went wrong. Of course everything would go wrong oh yeah how you or I even feel when your girl/boyfriend when to go see an old friend and then the guy ask's (in this case a guy) will you make-out with me and i was like sure cause I didn't think at that time that it was such a big deal. But when it all cam down to last night then yeah it was such a big deal and I should have been thiking. But know I totally regrat it. And no actally he did not break up with with me but some what of me i kind of hoped that he would have because then I could have learned from my mistake and not do that again. But I don't know what to do now cause I feel really bad for what I did and I know that I should have never have done that and that was not right so why does he still want and why does he still love me? Well kind ofanswer those questions for myself already is that all I have to do is ask him cause he's the only one who knows. But he also told me that he still trusts me. Holy Hell that was a total shocker torwards me because how can you still have trust in person after they cheat on you even if it was with a friend and it was just making out who cares, I do but still, how can he still trust? And here we go again this is a question that i can only ask him so why am I asking all of you even if any of you read this. I don't know

Posted by poetry/asher21 at 1:44 PM EDT
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Monday, 28 August 2006

Mood:  not sure
ok I am confused. I am confused because i have a problem. I have a problem because I made a promise and that promise is that if the guy that I am going out with right now screwed up any more and got 3 strikes aganist him then he was out (meaning that I would break up with him)of the game in baseball terms at least. Ok yeah he screwed up once ok no big deal to me, yeah that's what I said but oh no it did mean alot to me, it meant alot to me beacuse when I didn't whant to do something he did and I kind of let him do that and I know that, that is not right and that I should not have done that but I don't know what came over me that told me to tell him yes that he could do that.

Posted by poetry/asher21 at 10:15 PM EDT
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Hey this is my new stuff hope you guys like it and maybe you can even help who knows?

Posted by poetry/asher21 at 9:04 PM EDT
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