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Artwork -- Rethought

Realism . Fantasy . Anime . Computer Graphics . 3D Art . Murals . Cartoons . Sketches/Doodles . Art Trades

Other Art Links: Elfwood . FrogPole

I have finally finished my art page, and I hope you like it. Just click on the catagory you want to see and then click on a picture. It will open in a new window. Click on another picture, and instead of opening another window, it will be in the same window as the last picture.

Realism - People
This is my first oil painting. It is of my brother and got selected to hang in the ULM juried art show. Didn't win anything, but that's ok. The things that won were bad, and I didn't want to be in that company @_@. Oil on canvas.
Here is a picture of my cousin Caitlin. Just a pencil drawing I did. Hopefully I will be able to do a better one on better paper. When I buy new paper. If you want a portrait, go here. Graphite on paper.
Here is a picture of my wonderful Justin. I love him so much, so of course I had to draw a picture of him. This is sorta out of time order. But I like it, and he had to be up high. I did this one awhile ago. Graphite on paper.
I sketched this out in art class when I was ahead of everyone. (That doesn't happen often.) It should go in sketches, but I really liked the finished project, so here it is. Graphite on paper.
Charlie Chaplin
This is a monocromatic water color. I only used black, and I want to go back over part of it with India ink when I get a chance. Black watercolor on hot pressed paper.
My Uncle, Cousin, and Me
I was bored one day and decided to draw this little piece here. It's really tiny so the scan is pretty bad. It looks good in person. Graphite on Paper.
This one should go into fantasy, but it doesn't really look fantasy, and it is pretty realistic. Basically a sketch of an rp character I use on special occasions. Graphite on paper.
Ally and Justin
Well, I don't really like this one, because I could have done it better, but I wanted to get it done in one night so I rushed. Crayola watercolor on computer paper.
Kiss Pic
I like this piece, but there is so much I would love to change. I think this one was a breakthrough because there was no contour lines. Everything before this had more lines than I like. And I just love her shirt. Graphite on paper.
City of Angels
This is an older piece, but since 'The City of Angels' is me and Justin's movie, well, I had to put it. I worked hard on this too. But it still stinks. Graphite on paper.
Even though this picture is bad, I have to put it here because it was my frist attempt at realism. It was a complete breakthrough for me. Graphite on paper.
Realism - Still Life
Charcoal Plant
I finished this faster than I have finished any other drawing or painting (That looks this good). Took me two class periods. It's about 3 or 4 feet long. Charcoal on paper.
Three Pidgions on a Tin Roof
I really like this watercolor because it showed me that I really could paint in water color. Before this, I couldn't do one picture. Watercolor on cold pressed paper.
Pencil Plant
This was the first project of my junior year art class. It took forever because I wanted it to be the best picture in the class. I shouldn't have worried. (Whoa, I'm modest... well, truthful.)Same size as charcoal plant. Graphite on paper.
Fantasy: Humanoids
Water Color Angel
After discovering I liked watercolor, I decided to do this angel in watercolor after Alex requested it. It's not really want he asked for, but, this painting just came out. Watercolor and computer ink on paper.
Justin - Elf
I wanted to put a picture of Justin on Elfwood, but they wouldn't take it at first. So I got on MSPaint, and after much pain and mouse-hating, Justin had ears. And they finally accepted the picture! Grapite on paper and MSPaint.
This little guy is a character in my book/novella thingy that I am typing up. (It's already been written, just not typed.) If you'd like to read it, you can click here. Ink on paper.
I wanted to draw Hermes one day in class, but my friend Margaret wanted me to draw her. This is what resulted. I thought it was kinda cute. Pencil on paper and PhotoImpressionism
This piece was a breakthrough because I didn't copie a picture/photo exactly. I added stuff. And took stuff away. And went wild with the spider motif. Ok, this is really no where near wild, but, for me at the time it was. Who knew I could be wild? Graphite on paper.
Mage Girl
Well, I felt like drawing, and I wanted to draw me, but it didn't turn out right... so I added some stuff. Yeah, I had a towel on my head at the time ^_^. I am goofy. Graphite on paper.
My refrence I was usuing was TINY. We are talking half a centemeter tall. I think it's of Nike, and I added a head, and a leg. Or at least I think I did. It was really hard to see, and my eyes are bad enough. I want to fix this. Graphite on paper
This is another rp character, but since it wasn't really a realistic style, I decided to put her here. She is a mage who likes to steal apples. Quite fun to rp, actually. Graphite on paper.
Blue Girl
Well, she isn't really fantasy, but since they accepted her at Elfwood, I decided she needed to be here. I drew her in health class. Colored pencil on paper.
Red and Black Angel
This picture was done in chemistry. It was on lined paper, but somehow I got rid of them. I am not sure how though. Red and Black ink on paper, and a computer program.
Night Mare
Well, you see, I had this really bad, long, involved nightmare about this witch who could melt people's skin off their bones. And, I tried to draw it. Not very scarry, huh? I'll fix it. Don't worry. Graphite on paper.
Angel Dagger
This was also done in chemistry, and also on lined paper, though you can still see the lines. Justin's rp character Saga has an angel dagger, and I had to draw one. I am sure his looks nothing like this, though. Ballpoint pen on lined paper.
Floating Fae
I don't really like this one, but I did do it on a bus, so I have some excuse. I'd like to redo it and make it look better. It sorta reminds me of my angel picture. Maybe I'll do this one in color. Graphite on paper.
Sad/Angry Fae
Well, I think there is a story in this somewhere, but I'll have to find it. Maybe I will write one and then redraw it so proportions are right. I drew it without a reference in World Geography (Ack, and I like that class). Graphite on paper.
Fantasy: Animals
This one I drew at Literary Rally (First place for me... I'm good!). I added the blue body later, and I liked it. I'm sure I could have done it better, but I really wanted it to be blue for some reason. Graphite, sharpie, and paper.
I also did this in World Geography. I just started doodling on a free day and this came up. I guess it should be in doodles, but I have so few fantasy animals that I thought I should put this one here. Pen and ink on paper.
I did this at social studies fair. We had a dragon sculpture, and I was bored, so I sketched it, and then redid it later. I think it looks pretty good. The sculpture ended up and broke though. That makes me sad. Graphite on paper.
Anime Couple
This is just a cute anime couple I did one day. Not really all that good. Proportions are off. I can't keep up with when I did all my anime pictures, so I just put them up randomly. Better pictures follow. Pen and graphite on paper.
Anime Girl 1
Well, here is one of my anime girls. I have several of them. I drew this one in Colorado. I was bored there, and what's a bored girl to do? Check out the cute guys? They were all wearing ski suits... plus no one's cuter than Justin anyway. Anyway, graphite on paper.
Anime Girl 2
This one is a doodle that I had some fun with on the computer. I thought it was cute. Graphite on paper and PhotoImpressionism.
Anime Girl 3
Same as the last one. Graphite on paper and PhotoImpressionism.
Anime girl 4
I also did this one in Colorado, but I don't like it as much. I think it might be the contour lines.
Anime Girl 5
I like this one, because of her green hair highlights, you almost get the impression she's glowing. Some of my early anime work. Colored Pencil and Pen on paper.
Floating Fighter
Done in Colorado as well, but the face was added at home. I'm not telling how I did it though. Or, how the computer did it. The computer is mean sometimes. Graphite and Pen on paper and PhotoImpressionism.
Anime Guy 1
I really like Kenshin, and I am pretty sure I had him in mind when I did this piece. I did it on the bus, so it really isn't that good. But I like it. Pen and Grapite on paper.
Anime Guy 2
I drew this so I could draw a cloak. End of story. Graphite on paper.
I really like this picture of link. I got it out of those game rules things that come with games. I thought it was cute. The stump looks good at any rate. Graphite on paper.
I don't really like this, but if there is Link, there has to be Zelda. I could have drawn it better, but I was still into contour lines when I did this. Pen and Ink on paper.
Computer Graphics
Johnny Depp
Yes, Johnny Depp is good looking, but only because he looks like Justin. And this picture is good, because it looks sort of like Justin. Mmm... Two hot guys in one. ^_^ Best CG ever. OekakiCenteral Paint Program.
Charlie Chaplin
I like my water color better, but I did do this picture first. I had to rush at the end, but I could have made it look as good as Johnny Depp. I just love Charlie Chaplin. He's adorable. Look at his shoes! Any man with shoes like that is adorable *hugs Justin* OekakiCentral Paint Program.
Buster Keaton
I started with Buster Keaton, but as I wasn't used to drawing with a mouse, it ended up looking nothing like him. I wish I could go back and fix it. OekakiCentral Paint Program.
Fae on the Moon
I thought I was great when I did this on MSPaint. I then decided I wasn't drawing anything else on MSPaint again. Too much work. MSPaint.
This Lil-named creature is Gwenni. I was just having fun with patters and tools, and this came out. It takes lots of patience to work with a mouse. MSPaint.
This is really bad, but I like the colors I used on it. Took forever for something so bad, but I figured I could get better. MSPaint and MSWord.
Here is my little fire mage! All textures were things I found in the word program. I wish I still had that, but we got a new computer. MSPaint and MSWord.
I hate this drawing, but since it was my first attempt in years, I had ot put this one up. I need to fix a lot of it! I need to delete it! MSPaint and MSWord.
Mostly a doodle. Someone at advance was drawing them and I sorta took the idea from him. I thought they were adorable. MSPaint.
Um... I was working with textures? I don't know what I was on when I did this. MSPaint and MSWord.
My first CG I ever saved... ever. Wasn't it bad? I did it at my Cousin's house. I guess I keep it for sentimental reasons. MSPaint.
3D Objects
Daniel - Sketch
The picture was a sketch for "Daniel in the Lion's Den" by Peter Paul Rubens. I liked it, and decided to do it in woodburning. I didn't use any watercolors to shade. It's all woodburner. Woodburning on Pine.
There is a place called "All Fired Up" near where I live where one can glaze pottery. So I glazed this plate. They were amazed and didn't think it was possible to do this. I didn't know it was possible. Fired, Glaze on White-looking bisqueware.
I love Kenshin, he's so cute, so when I did a woodburning, of course I had to woodburn one of Kenshin. I should have done one of him with swirly eyes. Woodburning and watercolor on pine.
This chair I entered in the LifeShare Center's Chair...ity auction. I won first place overall, and my chair was sold for $250. My dad bought it, but someone else opened the bidding at $100. @_@. My lizard now lies in pieces (Hand made) but I can glue most of it back together. Wood, Fabric, Pottery, Oil Paints.
Calvin and Hobbes
Well, as soon as I make a thumbnail, you will see the glory that is on my brother's wall. Er, Indoor acrylic on sheetrock, I guess.
Calvin and Hobbes (And Allison)
Um, just so you could get an idea of the size of the mural. Indoor acrylic on sheetrock.
Calvin and Hobbes (Detail)
Well, here is a detail of Hobbes. I think I did him kinda well. Indoor acrylic on sheetrock.
Calvin and Hobbes (Detail)
Another detail, but this one is of Calvin. We wouldn't want him to get unhappy with us. He might turn us into worms. Indoor acrylic on sheetrock.
Well, I entered here in the beauty contest and got 7th in speicies. Not bad for a first try, and me not even trying. (I did advertise, just didn't work on the drawing much.) Colored pencil on paper, PhotoImpressionism.
Just a quick sketch of everyone's favorite comic book kid. Marker on paper.
And where would Calvin be without Hobbes? Where would he get his answers to his homework? Marker and paper.
Um... some one told me to draw this, and I did. On another bus. I really don't know why. Graphite on paper.
I did this in Chemistry and liked it, and decided it was Mya. I want to re do it, but I still really like the sketch. Pen and ink on paper.
Random Guy
This is the drawing right below Mya on the same sheet of paper. I haven't decided who he is yet, but I like him. Pen and Ink on paper.
Northern Lights
This was the background for my second website. It's ok. I thought it was sorta 'primitive' Graphite on paper.
Wow. I did this in seventh grade in English. That was awhile ago. Graphite on paper.
I did this in Civics. It's about the best thing that has come out of Civics. I thought it was really neat. Pen and ink and Gel pens, on paper.
Two eyes for a character. I couldn't decide which it should be, so I drew both to help me decide. Graphite on paper.
Everyone likes the original, and I don't know why. I think it's because I used sparkely gel pens, and people like glittery things. Pen and Ink and Gel Pens on paper.
Color Ball
Uh, I was doodling one day and this came out. Colored pencil on paper.
Art Trades
Art Trade 1
I do art trade from time to time and this was my first. It is a neopet, and if you don't know about neopets, I suggest you check it out. It's fun. I wish I could have done it better. Maybe I'll make a page to show drawings people have done for me. That will be cool. Colored pencil and paper, and PhotoImpressionism.