by Black_Aphrodite


Caught in the Land of Indecision, which path do I take?

Trapped in a state of Flux, Opportunity flees

Decisions wantonly discarded, choose themselves


Was it Millennia ago that I stood at your Shore

Hoping the waves would carry you to me?

My fear made me forsake our Dreams

Oh, my Ebony One, where do you reign?


I gaze at the Sea’s silver moonlit reflection

My thoughts mirrored within, tranquil and troubled

As the sea carries on, its tides determined at the birth of the World…


If I let myself drown, would Peace be guaranteed?

Unseen, You mock me, laugh at my misgivings

My need for security, peace and smooth sailing

As you travel where the Winds carry you…


Loneliness pervades me, yet still I wait

The waiting becomes a way to mark the days

Life passes me by

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