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@ archer11seer

+ Rurouni Kenshin +

@ introduction

@ theme songs and lyrics

+ Card Captor Sakura +

@ introduction

@ theme songs and lyrics

+ Kare Kano +

@ introduction

@ Culture Festival

+ Precious Butterfly +

@ introduction

@ story

@ images

@ profile

+ Purpose Driven Life +

@ the journey

+ Identity Site +

@ thanks to

@ contact


@archer11seer site@


August 2003     

     Welcome back minna-san!!!

     Notice something new? Of course you do! Unless of course this is the first time you visit my site. Well, I improved the feature of my site just for you. Old information are still here like the theme songs and lyrics of Rurouni Kenshin but new information is now available like Kare Kano, revised edition of my exclusive Precious Butterfly, and previews of Rurouni Kenshin, Card Captor Sakura, and Kare Kano! In short, here's a list of what you'll find out:

   > Rurouni Kenshin preview and its theme songs and lyrics

   > Card Captor Sakura's preview and its theme songs and lyrics

   > Kare Kano's preciew and Culture Festival

   > Precious Butterfly's revision of story ( 5 chapters available!!)
   > Purpose Diven Life thoughts

      Actually the story Precious Butterfly wouldn't be posted until revisions are done. I can't give you an exact month because I'm really having a hard time making the story. In any case, the story in Kare Kano is wonderful. I didn't create it nor is it a fanfiction. It's an original work of Matsumi Tsuda, the creator of Kare Kano. I just extracted it on Kare Kano Vol. 9. The story isn't a romantic story. But, hey! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Lastly, my thoughts about the book of Rick Warren Purpose Driven Life. For those who does not know this book, it is a 40-day journey of finding your purpose. I'll open to you my thoughts for every journey.

      I'll be waiting for your thoughts.

      Once again, welcome and enjoy surfing!!