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Most of the pictures of Anuvruksha (a.k.a. anu, anumol, molly, mollymol, anubanu, rascal, domli kutus, sweetheart, dahling, thunti, oodgie boodgie, o ley ley) and friends and fam have been moved to a photos account

There are also a ton of pics from Doddamma (mother's older sister) Pavi's trip to Timbaktu! (Thanks Pavi): This link will take you to pavi's site

Then there are a bunch of stragglers from the early these video clips from April 2003:

And very importantly, photos from a demonstration against an illegal and unjust dam development on the River Kali in Karnataka, India. Photos at the photo site, and more info at:

the fineprint:
You can view the video (avi files) using good old Gates' Windows Media Player. It may take a few moments to start playing the picture before which there appears a black screen...not sure why. Also on playing, it may get stuck at a certain point. Not sure how to fix that either....any techies who know could perhaps let me know as the techie over here is fast asleep with Anumol.

Lots of love, anuvruksha,ram,nag
