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AntLive's Poetry

Here is The poem of the week! …Poems Are The Friends We Make… Poems are the Friends we make them Expressing in words of thought Of happiness, sadness, and caring, Experiencing the things we sought. Poems have their own sweet language That buds and comes to bloom, Showing their many colors of light in a darkened room. Poems let us say: "I love you" Poems let us say: "Goodbye" Poems can be strong, or gentle, Raise a smile, or make you sigh. For poems are about our living The road that we, daily, take, Of Love and of selfless giving… Poems are the friends we make! PS: Seduce my mind and you can have my body. Find my soul and I'm forever yours... (something-for-thought) Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again soon!

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