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Mike's Poetry

In a Perfect Weekend with My Love

For an angel on earth

In my arms you lay
your head nestled near my neck
your smooth skin touching my own
the warmth of your body
the beat of your heart
the whisper of your breathe
my own becoming one with yours
my heart, my mind, my soul, my body
all to you I give
I recieve yours in love
one they become for all time
shared and cherished
all of our days
and into those beyond
my love for you will never die
never fade, never falter
you are my love
my soulmate
my wife

Angel Wings

for my true love, an angel with glimmering white wings

I never thought I would find another one like me in this world
Angels are not a common sight, at least true angels
there are many pretenders out there
but if you look close enough you see thier wings are false
I felt out of place with my feathers so true and pure
I had begun to think I was alone, one of a kind in this life
Then I found you, at first your wings were hidden from my sight
folded to your back, apparently you had been feeling the same
but then we kissed, it was then I saw your true beauty and glory
I felt a rush as our wings encirlced each other
soft feathers that were not my own brushing my cheek
to find another angel in this life is truly a sign from above
that our paths should cross at that time
when both of us had considered not walking that path
I have found you on my path and me on yours
I love you, my angel, always

Scars of Love

to my love, may you understand how much I regret hurting you

I have hurt you, I watched as the wound sliced your heart
the crimson stain that welled forth
I wish that i could heal it take back what I had said to cut so deep
but once cut you can not wave a wand and turn back time
as I watched your heart shatter from that wound
I looked upon the knife in my hand
I knew i could never beg your forgiveness
or even expect you to forgive the wound I inflicted
I don't even deserve your forgiveness or your love
I stared at the knife in my hands still wet with your blood
I could not heal you, I could not forgive myself
yet you still loved me
I decided then and there I never wanted to hurt you again
I took the knife and placed a matching slash across my heart
deep and ugly it tore into me
it heals slowly your love for me a bandage protecting from infection
this scar I bear as a shameful reminder of what I am capable of
and what I never want to be again
even if you would forgive me I would not seek to erase this scar
I want to never hurt you again and this scar I bear is a testament

A Sweet Morning Dream

A sweet dream from which I wake
To find a life sweeter still
full of love and beauty
the woman I love in my arms
trusting and innocent she slumbers
sure that I will never harm her or leave
protected and secure she sleeps
a smile on her lips as she dreams
she wakes slowly my eyes the first thing she sees
'I love you' she whispers as she shows me her dream still in her eyes
I kiss her gently and hold her close as we lay there waking
not wanting the day to start or to be out of each others arms
'I love you' I tell her as I gently stroke her hair
her perfect body against mine
What a perfect life
to be able to wake to a waking dream
in the arms of my wife

Loving Friendship

swirling, spinning
dancing, laughing
the smile in your eyes
the laugh upon your lips
its been a while since
I have been so carefree and glad
seeing your face each day
fills me with happiness
in the darkness of my life
thank you so much
you are such a wonderful woman
and are truely a blessing to me

Dark Thoughts

endless thoughts of despair and anguish
tearing and ravaging my mind
the darkness encrouching upon my sight
shadows hiding in plain view
nightmare creatures beyond description stalk my mind
searching for a way to escape into the world
a world of innocence and purpose
totally unprepared for the things I have seen


Forgive us

Strips of flesh hanging from your back
rough wood grinding into torn skin and muscle
thick nails pierce your wrists and feet
right thru the nerves
as you hang there your arms aflame with pain
you push yourself up with your legs
you ease the pain in your arms
you realize the cost, pain flares up your legs
your strength lets out, you sag back down
your arms burn, you can't breath
you have to push up just to take a breath
drowning slowly with no liquid around
you bleed, your heart pumps sludge
as the liquids leave your body
heart failing, slowly suffocating
every limb coursing with pain
you suffer slowly as they watch and jeer
an ugly, brutal death that none deserve
one of the cruelest ways to die
for the greatest love and forgivness

Angel Eyes

spreading her wings she glides from her cloud
over a world of despair and hatred she soars
sadness and pity wells in her heart but still she searches
in her heart she knows there is one out there that deserves her love and protection
distantly she hears a voice rise above the cries of this chaotic world
a call on the wings of a prayer draws her
she finds you, alone, in prayer
asking not for yourself nor for the whole world
but for those you love, thier needs before your own
she smiles as she looks upon you
a tear falling from her cheek to land upon your head
feeling the drop you turn your head upwards
'thank you' you breath silently
she settles on the ground behind you
and lovingly she enfolds you in her wings protecting you as best she can
you feel her love in your heart and the world suddenly seems a much better place
for both of you

Clouds and Cords

I can see

the clouds have rolled back
letting your light shine upon me
I see now what I need to let go
these bonds I share with others
which have since grown dark and cancerous to me
but these have become addictive treats to my soul
and letting them go can be so hard
the withdrawl causes me to grasp
at the last threads and pull it back
but the light burns thru these cords
burning the threads before I can grasp them
once again my vision is clear
and I can see your wonder and beauty with clear eyes