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A Little About Education Bay

Never in the past years that we've been in this school did we imagine things to be so different to me. Life has been revolving around Education Bay for as long as I can remember. Just the thought of the fact that our lives, and our ways, will be completely different, makes a shudder run down my spine. Our school has taught us to be like family: helping, sharing and caring for each other. When each and every one of us look at ourselves today, the people we are standing before everyone, has been influenced by Education Bay. School has always been the major part of our lives. Looking back at the years that have passed doesn't seem anymore the source of homework and misery, but a gem of compressed memories that can never be forgotten. Now, recalling our old day, makes me laugh, to think how much we have all changed and how much of a difference and effect each of our friends and teachers have had on us. My school has taught me a lot more that just the basic Math's or Science; they have shown me the right path and encouraged me to be the best I could be. 

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