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Hello and Welcome
The little girl in me never grew up, as I am
suppose to be adult enough not to want to play
with them *grin*
I loved playing with my dolls as a child
I had plastic/vinyl small dolls of Posing Penny
and Little Tuppence and a bigger doll I named Petirea
(I gave my daughter Petirea as her middle name)
I made and bought their many themed clothes,
In later years I started collecting display porcelan dolls.
I also collected many smaller dolls from around the
world mostly plastic and wood, I received from
penpals I had over the years.
The collections I had, I left behind in New Zealand,
for my daughter. She has a collection of assorted
dolls of her own she received from family for
birthdays and Christmas's.
My loving husband, James has since bought me a
porcelan doll on a swing to restart my collection
I just love their costumes, the detail in porcelan
dolls and they are so life like.

Quilt started 15 June 2002.

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