Alvin Shina R.I.P.

Alvin Shina's Memorial



This site has been ended, but alvin will live in our hearts forever. Alvin's parents and cousin appreciate everyone who ever cared for Alvin, but their are such cruel people in this world that cant keep their word in their mouth. If you dont have something nice to say, dont say it at all. I thank all of you for the shout outz 2 alv and i know he appreciates it. He was the best and i know hes truly missed by all of us. Thank you. RIP ALVIN SHINA.

Saints of God, come to his aid! Come to meet him, angels of the Lord! Receive his soul and present him to God the Most High. May Christ, who called you, take you to himself; may angels lead you to Abraham's side. Receive him. . . Give him eternal rest, O Lord, and may your light shine on him/her for ever.Receive him. . . Let us Pray. All-powerful and merciful God, we commend to you, Alvin, your servant. In your mercy and love, blot out all the sins he has committed through human weakness. In this world hehas died, let him live with you for ever. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Into your hands, O Lord we humble entrust our brother Alvin In this life you embraced him with your tender love; deliver him now from every evil and bid him enter eternal rest. Lord, Alvin is gone now from this earthly dwelling, and has left behind those who mourn his absence. Grant that we may hold his memory dear, never bitter for what we have lost nor in regret for the past, but always in hope of the eternal kingdom where you will bring us together again. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

"I know we can make it, In fact, im sure of it."