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A Lost Bois Never Never Land

Well hello, hello!

Glad you came to visit. This is my first webpage so I'm just learning how to put this together.... Forgive me if you find a page in construction.... please feel free to help me out. Seriously!

Don't forget to say a little sumpthin in the guestbook. *raised eyebrows* You weren't going to forget THAT, would you? Of course not. :O)

This is my world, in a webshell. Enjoy the insanity and inspirations that are me.

Be well.
Krystle Mae

A few scribbles I've jotted down...

If you REALLY wanna see more of me...*blush*

My hystory-abridged!

Come into my library .... I'll get some coffee started.

A few of my favorite lovelies. They're so preeeetty!

God Bless America

My thoughts on religion. Scary, isn't it?!

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Kick-Ass Links... Really!

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