The front page wont be updated with tid bits about me anymore, you can still see the archives and all the other pages form the links below. To get the latest goings on in my life just check out my blog. My page dedication is still at the bottom as always, so if you haven't before, you can still read that. It is usually pretty interesting and I pretty much write in it every day but sometimes I will forget or something. This page looks pretty bad right now because I am redoing and revamping it with another new graphics set that I did all by myself :) go me. I realize that lots of the buttons don't work, and it is either because they are just for showing the variety of buttons that I made for this set or because I just haven't had time to put the link in yet, either way, they will all eventually lead to something so don't worry! Well thanks for visiting my page,

Rachel's favorite quote:
"May the road rise to meet you
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the wind be at you back
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of your hand"
--Ancient Irish Saying

My page is dedicated to my best friends Laura, Denise, Sam, Jen, Jess, Hiral, Trinity, John, Scott, Erin, Meghan, Britteny, Michael, Matt, Nora and Radeyah. Thank you guys so much for always being there for me and for always encouraging me. You are the best friends I could ever ask for! I know how hard I am to put up with sometimes but you never let me forget how much life means to me, I love you all! My life is a virtual rollercoaster.I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't have such great people to be my friends. I would also like to use this space to apologize to anyone that I have ever hurt and or manipulated. The little things in life help you move on, an apology is a big little thing.

All of the graphics used on this homepage were made by me, for me but of course I am willing to share them with anyone who would like them, just send em an email at and I will send a zip file to you with all of the graphics, if you happen to have a mac I can also send you a sif file with everything in it. I know that my graphics aresn't really much but I do try, really hard so don't be too hard on me. Thanks --Rachel.