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Alli B.

For The Love Of Shoes; Ain't Nuthin' But A Jade Thang Baaybeeh



Semi Finalist in KOTR

IWF Diva of the Year

1/2 of IWF Couple of the Year 

AIM: MotherCanucker61   


Ughh! It sucks but it'll do!


“The lights go out and I can’t be saved
 Tides that I tried to swim against
  Have brought me down upon my knees
Oh I beg and beg and plead
Come out of things unsaid
 Shoot an apple off my head
Trouble that can’t be named
   Tigers waiting to be tamed”

 ~o~ Introduction ~o~

What does the IWF Women's title mean to you? Well if you're a guy...probably not a whole hell of a lot. You probably view it as a bunch of hot chicks rolling around half naked in a wrestling ring. I can just hear it now in my head….some of the comments made:  "Woooo Hoooo Jethro...come lookie here....thars neked women rasslin' on the teevee....and bring me a beer while yurr at it.” And of course out comes Jethro, with a couple of Budweisers, his mouth filled with a total of two teeth and saying something as profound as “Goooolllyyyy Cleatus….lookit them thar boobies!” Over exaggeration you say? I think not…. you can pretty much place huge bets on the fact that whether it’s Jethro and Cleatus in the back woods or Frederick and Jonathan sippin’ a couple of $10 Comparis at a local bar on Wall Street…when it comes to women’s wrestling…it’s all about “them thar boobies”.

And as far as what the average woman thinks of women’s wrestling? There are probably three types of reactions. First, there are the women who don’t know, don’t care, just continue reading their Oprah magazines and watching Martha Stewart. Second, are the crusaders, like say a Dr. Laura or a Rosie O’Donnell, who’s heads are so far up their righteous asses that they wouldn’t know entertainment if it jumped out and bit them in that big fat ass. Finally there are the “You go girl!” women, who secretly wish, when they see a Sable or a Trish Stratus doin’ their thang on the “teevee”, that it was them there in that ring strutting their stuff and kicking ass.

What does Jade Martinez think about all these attitudes about women’s wrestling? Well frankly, she could give a rat’s ass what Jethro, Cleatus, Dr. Laura, Rosie O’Donnell or for that matter what Mr. And Mrs. Joe and Jennifer Blow think. This was her dream. This is what she worked day in and day out for. This was her chance to shine. This was her chance to finally get out from under the large shadow of one Dustan “Taurus” Dewey. This was her chance to follow in the footsteps of great women’s champions such as Cadney and Victoria. This was her chance to maybe escape the demons of the past once and for all….demons such as the old evil version of Joker (we’ll call him Joker Version 1.0…for lack of a better term), Zach Lyons and Mark Hyatt.

And what of Jade’s opponent, Krystal Kaos? Krystal, who has experienced just as much adversity due in the most part to that 1.0 version of Joker, the pre de-bugged version. Nothing would avenge the sins of the past more for Krystal than to proudly wear that IWF Women’s Title belt. Which one of these proud and strong women wants it more? Is it Jade Martinez.….the bright young Diva of the Year….or is it the older veteran….Krystal Kaos, a woman wronged and prepared to climb that ladder of success once again. Is there more to this match than meets the eye? Well we don’t want to ruin any surprises now do we? And ladies and gentlemen, what would an IWF Pay Per View be without surprises.

~o~ End Introduction ~o~


                    ~o~ Scene One: Did You Write The Book Of Love And Do You Have Faith In God Above ~o~ 

      “ I dig my toes into the sand
    The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
       Strewn across a blue blanket
     I lean against the wind
      Pretend that I am weightless
     And in this moment I am happy” 

Portland Oregon. This is the site of the latest IWF Pay Per View, Pressure Point. Portland Oregon, also known as the “City of Roses” is surrounded by breathtaking beauty. Tall trees, snow-capped mountains, lush green fields, gently flowing rivers, clean water, moderate climate and bountiful flower gardens. Nestled in one of these lush green fields on a hilltop overlooking the city we speak of,  is where our first scene takes place. 

The scene opens on a warm clear summer night in July. We see a black Mitsubishi Spyder convertible and as the camera zooms in front of the car we see two people lying on a blanket looking up at the stars. Immediately the two people are recognized as IWF Champion Taurus and his lovely girlfriend Jade Martinez. Taurus is dressed in pair of black jean shorts, a black Sean John T-shirt with white lettering, while Jade is wearing a pair of short blue jean shorts and a black sleeveless tank top with the word “Taurus” on it in silver shiny letters. They are lying on a large blanket and we see that they are barefoot, with a pair of sandals next to Jade and a pair of black Timberland boots with a pair of socks stuffed in them next to Taurus. 






Do you think there is life on other planets? 


Well…I mean…sometimes I think that I’m lying next to an alien every night. 

Jade turns to hit him but he’s too fast for her and has already rolled over to the other side of the blanket.  


Why can’t you be serious for once! I’m trying to have a conversation here! And you’re being mean by the way. 

She turns to her side with her back towards Taurus. He scoots over next to her and hugs her.


Awww…come on stop pouting…I was just kidding!!! It was a JOKE! 



She turns back on her back and snuggles next to Taurus. 


But seriously…do you think we are alone? 


Well…I sure as hell hope so…I drove our asses all the way up here so we could be. 

Jade looks at him angrily. 




All right, all right. What do I think….do I think we are alone…hmmm….Well I think it would be pretty presumptuous of us to think we are the only life in the universe. Where the hell did this philosophical conversation come from all of a sudden? 

Jade sighs. 


I don’t know. I just…sometimes I just wonder if there are people up in those stars. People just like us who are lying there thinking the same thing we are right now. Do they have the same emotions as us…do they laugh, do they cry, do they love? Do they have cars, do they have wrestling, do they have…. 



This time he’s not fast enough and Jade smacks him hard across the chest. 


OWWWW…Day-um woman! 




Aww…that hurts…that really hurts! 


Good! It should! Meanie! 


Listen, Jade…you should stop worrying about E.T. and start worrying about this match tomorrow night. Have you talked to her? 


Yeah, I talked to her…I talked to her yesterday…we worked out all the details. 


Are you sure you can trust her? 


I…I don’t know…I guess we’ll find out tomorrow shouldn’t we? 


Are you prepared in case something goes wrong…nothing can go wrong! This is important Jade…don’t take this lightly. 


Listen Dustan, you worry about Freakshow and let me worry about this ok? Remember, there is more than one element to this. There are many pieces to this puzzle. 


Well, one has been taken care of so far. 


Yes, yes it has but there are others….and don’t take your opponent lightly…he’s worked very hard and is undoubtedly prepared for you. 


I can deal with him…you just don’t leave any stone unturned. If you have to speak to her again…do it! 


Yah, yah, yah…don’t worry about me pretty boy…I got it all under control. 


I am pretty aren’t I? 

Jade rolls her eyes. 



The two young lovers continue to stare at the stars in the night sky as the scene fades to black. 

"The world is a roller coaster and I'm not strapped on
Maybe I should hold on with care
But my hands are busy in the air"

~o~ End Scene One ~o~ 


~o~ Scene Two: A Place For My Head ~o~ 

“Maybe some day I’ll be just like you
And step on people like you do
And run away the people I thought I knew”

The scene opens the previous day at the arena in Portland where the IWF superstars have just arrived to prepare for the big Pay per View on Sunday. Some are milling about checking the place out. Some are doing interviews for various media outlets, while others are sampling the catering in the green room. The camera zooms in on a long hallway and we see Jade Martinez appear from behind another hallway that is connected. She is wearing a spaghetti strapped short red flowery sundress with matching red sandals (of course they are matching….this is JADE we’re talking about!) 

She continues down the long hallway looking at the various dressing room doors as if she is looking for one in particular. She stops in front of a certain door and when the camera zooms in on the nameplate we see the name on the door is Krystal Kaos. Jade knocks on the door. 


Krystal? Krystal are you in there? 

After a few more minutes and a few knocks later, Jade realizes that Krystal is either in the shower or not in the dressing room at all. She decides that Krystal probably won’t mind if she goes in and waits. She opens the door to the room and walks in.

Inside the room we see a white leather couch with a glass coffee table in front of it. On the coffee table we see a tray of vegetables with various dips. Next to this tray is a tray containing varieties of fruit. To the left of the couch and coffee table we see a make up table and a chair. On the make up table we see two photographs, one of Cameron Hunter and the other Jake Hunter. Jade, who’s back is to the door now, picks up the photograph of Cameron and smiles. She is unaware that she is about to receive an unexpected visitor. 


Hello Jade. 

A startled Jade drops the photo on the ground shattering the glass in  the picture frame. She gasps and bends down to pick up the frame but stops suddenly and turns around. 


What the HELL are you doing in here?? 

The camera zooms around and we see the co-owner of IWF Zachary Lyons standing there. 


I could ask you the same question. I don’t see the name Jade Martinez on the outside of that door, nor do I see anyone in here but you. Here, let me help you pick that up. 

Jade's hand goes up in front of Zack. 


No, no…it’s o.k. I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. 


Suit yourself. 

Zack walks over and sits on the couch, grabs a couple of strawberries and puts his feet up on the coffee table. Jade looks up at him in disgust as she starts to pick up the glass from the broken picture frame. 


Make yourself at home why don’t you. Why don’t you just get your ass out of here. Krystal and I have business to discuss when she gets here. 


Hmmm….business…what business could you possibly have to discuss with your opponent at the PPV huh? 


That’s none of your business. 


Oh, on the contrary darling, everything that happens in this company is my business and if you and Miss Has Been are planning on doing something to interfere in your boyfriend’s match with my fellow New Blood member, you better BELIEVE it’s my business! 

Jade gets up and walks over to the couch, kneels down and gets in the face of Zack Lyons. 


You know Zack? You ever heard the song “You’re So Vain”? You remind me of that song…you think everything is about YOU…the whole world revolves around you and your precious New Blood. Nice people you’ve associated yourself with there Zack. A bunch of clowns that attack children like Stephanie Styles…you’re no better than that bastard Mark Hyatt. You know something Zack…I thought you had changed after our little ordeal. I see now that you are the same scumbag slime that kidnapped me and held me against my will those months ago. You haven’t changed a BIT…you and that bitch Dream deserve each other…until she tires of you again and moves on to her next victim or plaything..whichever you prefer. 

Zack smirks. 


You know Jade…you really should be nicer to me…you’re gonna need an ally when pretty boy over there goes down like that shattered glass his picture was in. 


You disgust me! 

At that moment the door opens and Krystal walks into the dressing room. 


What the… 

She looks at the shattered frame on the ground and then back at Zack and Jade. 


Lyons! What the HELL are you doing here! Jade are you o.k.? Has he hurt you? 


I’m fine Krystal. He was just leaving. 


Leave? And miss the party? Nah…I think I’d like to stay. 


Zack, get your ass outta here before I MAKE you leave! 


Oooo I’m scared…why don’t you save your energy there old timer for your match with the princess here. You’re gonna need it…you know you’re not as young as you used to be! 


Get your sorry ASS OUT of my dressing room. 


Fine, fine…I’m leaving. 

Zack stands up and starts for the door. He stops and turns around and addresses the two women with a smirk. 


Have a good match ladies…Oh and Jade…wear a little something pretty won’t you….and I emphasize a LITTLE something. 

Zack nods his head towards Krystal. 


And as for you, just make sure you wear something that holds up the sags…we don’t want to lose any viewers you know. 


GET OUT!!!!! 

Zack walks out the door laughing. 


God that man is an asshole! He gives me the creeps. 


Mmmhhmm…try getting kidnapped by him and having him hold you hostage in a basement! 


Oh Jesus…that’s right I’m so sorry! 


It’s ok…that’s was a long time ago. Hey listen, I’m sorry for breaking your frame…he startled me and I dropped it. I’ll buy you a new one I promise. 


Nah, it’s ok…I have millions of them. So what’s up? Did you want to talk to me about something? 


Ya I think you know. 


Yup. Let’s do it! 

The two women bend down and start picking up the glass pieces on the floor as the scene fades to black. 

~o~ End Scene Two ~o~  


~o~ Scene Three: Closing Walls and Ticking Clocks: Are You Ready? ~o~ 

The scene opens back on the hilltop overlooking Portland with Jade and Taurus laying on a blanket gazing up at the stars. 


So you’re sure everything is all taken care of? 


Yes, yes trust me…it’s all good! You worry too much! 


Just makin’ sure. You can never be too careful! 




You know, if you win, this is a whole new beginning for you. It’s the start of something big. You sure you can handle it? 


With both hands tied behind my back!!!! 


Hmmm….don’t give me any ideas! 



Taurus laughs. 

Jade points up to something in the sky. 


Look! It’s the Taurus constellation. You see it??? 


Indeed…it is. 

Jade pouts…I wish I had a constellation named after me. 

At that very moment…a shooting star flies through the night sky, past the Taurus constellation. 

Jade and Taurus look at each other and smile. 


Are you ready? 


You bet your ass! 

~ FTB ~ 

“Confusion never stops, closing walls and ticking clocks
Come back and take you home, I could not stop, that you now know
Come out upon my seas, curse missed opportunities
Am I  part of the cure, or am I part of the disease”

~o~ End Scene Three and Roleplay ~o~



This layout was made for Alli by Unspoken at  
Derranged Insanity Productions
!.  All Layout Banners in this layout were made for Alli by Steph.  Stealing is Forbidden!