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The Journey

    There comes a time in everyone's life when the doorway between our two worlds must close.  It's inevitable.  There is no stopping it.  But if the doorway stays open, to enjoy my world even longer, you become insane in the other world.  Yet at one time in life, the two worlds lived hand-in-hand, each within it's own limits.  Until the day the doorway must close...
    The day it happened, I remember it clearly.  People watching as each one of us closed our doorway.  In one day, we all became trapped.  We must cope with a realistic world, no more fantasy.  A world where there is no brotherly love, but a hatred.  A hatred that causes men to kill.  Kill for money, for power, for worldly possessions.  Trapped in a world with war, murders, cheating, lying.  A pure hell.  Is that what we were born for?  There's got to be more to life.  There must be a way out of here.  I must find the doorway back.  Must find it.
    We played and laughed together.  No we're killing each other for more power as we climb the ladder of success.  King of the Mountain was just a game but in this world, it's survival.  The fittest will win while the weak will suffer and die.  They're gaining power each day, each hour.  I must keep striving for the ultimate, the supreme power.  Need to destroy the fellow friends of mine to gain.
    They're stronger.  Must keep working.  They're winning.  I'm slipping, slipping down my ladder to success.  My life is crumbling before my eyes.  I'm slipping to the bottom.  Must try to regain power.
    I offer you a safe passage to my world friend, no one will know.  Just you and I friend.  Come back to the world you know so well.  Escape reality before you become permanently trapped.
    I heard a message.  An omen, a message...a message...  The music traps my soul.  I visit a land where people are friends, not enemies.  All are hand-in-hand not back-to-back.  There is a trust, happiness, peace.  There is a peace.  The air is warm, the music friendly.  It's not just a dream, it's reality.  But what is reality, a set of rules to live by.  I must escape, find a way...find a way back to that world again.  Fin a way...
    My soul is leaving, going away.  To a land of peaceful bliss.  Soon I'll be no more.  But until then, I'll lose myself in music and fantasy.  When the day shall come and I'll be no more!
    I sit in my room, day after day, night after night.  Music draining my soul from this world.  Slipping into another world.  A world of peace and love.  A love so strong that time itself cannot destroy it.  I'm slipping slowly.  Sinking without warning!  Slowly.  Slipping away...dying...
    Soon I'll be no more.  Each day I am slipping.  Slipping into another world.  A world where there is peace.  No hatred is in this world, only innocence.  I will finally be loved.  I know, for I have been there.  Alone in my room.  Soon, I'll be no more.  I'll be there.  Soon...very soon...

© 2005, Allen Scott Culp I