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From the Blackness

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It was the night of DeadZone. Everything between Jay Jay and Myself was to come to an end.
That was the night I was to end him...
That was the night I was to Quench my Burning Desire...
That was the night I was waiting for!

I was more than ready. I didn't care about the rules of the match. I just wanted to hurt him
And I was going to make sure that I did.

Well...that was until the match becaome a Lumberjack Match. Call it it greed--Call it Whatever! I would not let Anyone, besides myself, attack Jay Jay in Anyway. All the pain...all the humiliation he would recieve would come from only me...Only Me.
I was sure the feeling was Mutual.

He knew as well as I did that the ten lumberjacks could have made a big difference. If one of us were to get thrown out of the ring, there would be ten bloodthirsty men waiting for that moment.
We could not have that.

I emerged onto the ramp, and looked at the ten men that would help decide our fight. I cracked a hidden smile...they were all weak. Jameson stood in the ring, waiting for me. I ignored the peons that surrounded the him, and entered the ring. Instantly, Our eyes locked. We knew Exactly what the other was thinking...Exactly. We read each otheres thoughts loud and clear...

I want you dead...but at My hands...Not theirs...

I will do this alone.

There is no need for them.

They are Expendable. They will only get in the way.

We will wait.

We are at DeadZone...

No One Survives

Ten Men Fell to Jay Jay and Myself.

I woke late the next day. I had dramt about the...brawl...that had taken place at DeadZone. Ten Men...TEN MEN fell because of me and Jameson!
I knew as well as Jameson did, that we each held something back...
something only the other would experiance.
After our battle...we knew we'd have to settle it another day. The ten men that surrounded the ring...all unconscious, and beaten would surely be a warning to others. Me and Jameson saw it differently...we saw it as a mere test.

The Image of Jay Jay bleeding sticks in my mind. Its...pleasuring tp remember. It is somethign I will never forget.

I knew today would be a good day
I would make it one.

I rose from bed, and quickly left the darkness that was my room. I put on the usual...but did not bother to put mittens on. I wanted the world to see, and know my intentions. I wanted everyone to know what I was.

I left the house.

I was quite pleased once I stepped foot outside. There was quite a harsh windstorm the night of DeadZone. Across the street, a tree had fallen onto a house. Its amazing how one thing can have such an impact on the things around it.
Oh...It was great! You should have seen it! The family was quite distrought about the incident. The kids were scared to death, and In tears--Oh, I loved it!

I started down the street. Dead leaves covered the sidewalks. I heard them crunching under my feet--Music to my ears!

For Many, this day was horrible. For was fantastic! All ten of the men that fell at the hands of myself and Jason had to feel awful. Not only was their body damaged...but their ego is tainted forever!

I saw a downed traffic light. A polie officer stood in the center of the road, directing the traffic. He hated it! I could tell by simply looking at him. He was cold, and uncomfortable.

I continued down the street, crushing leaves as I went along. I came to the park which I had visited after getting my hair cut. I came to the tree I had seen a week earlier...the same leaf, full of green and life, hung from a branch just out of reach.

I had let Jameson go! What the hell was wrong with me!? He was right there...and I did nothing. Sure...I wanted to kill him alone...but I wanted him Dead, Period! I had let him go...I had let him live. And now...he was out of my reach. He was away from me....I could not have that!
I must have forgotten how much I wanted to see him dead. When he bled...that brought so much joy to my heart. But...knowing he still lives...knowing he still walks this hellhole called Earth! Knowing I was the one who allowed for all this makes me sick!
Jameson had got the best of me again...this time, simply by being alive.
I would not
let it

I turned from the tree. Sitting on a bench was a man...I had seen him before, but could not remember where from. All that I knew was that I hated him.
All of a sudden, a Sharp pain filled my mind.
A memory had awoken...

I looked into Amanda's eyes...and we kissed. It was the first time in months that I had truely been happy. I was in love again! We gazed into each others eyes once more. She smiled, and we hugged. I lifted her into the air, and spun her around.

From here...I can only remember things as if it were in slow motion. A sound disrupted the tranquility. I looked at Amanda. She coughed, and blood came from her mouth. All her weight pressed against me, and she slowly fell to the ground. I looked at my hands...they were covered in blood. I looked into the street...a Black car was driving away...the window being rolled up. I looked down at Amanda...she was laying in a puddle of blood.

Amanda had been shot. I knew the bullet was meant for me, but it had hit Amanda. I didnt know what to do. There was a few people around me...They acted as if nothing happened! I remembered exactly why I hated people! They didnt give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves! They didn't care that a women lay on the ground, nearly dead! They only would have cared if it had happened to themself!

I remembered where I saw him. He was one of the people who walked away when Amanda was shot! The sunovabitch.

I approached the men with quenched fists.
"Three months ago, you saw a women get shot."I said with a cold heart.

He didn't know I was speaking to him, and innocently replied, "Excuse me? Do you need something?"
"Three Months ago, You saw a women get shot."I said in the same tone.

"Excuse me...?" He said, as if he didnt know.
"Dont give me your bullshit! Three months ago, You saw a women, Amanda Baker, get shot in the back about four blocks from here! Why didnt you help her!?"

"I...dont remember."

"You dont remember..."Lies. I gazed into his eyes. I saw nothing but fear inside the man. That was enough for me. I turned, and left the park.

The day was getting worse. I wanted to hurt someone. I needed to hurt someone. It was the only thing I could even think about. My burning desire was burning more than ever.

Fuelled By Hate
Quenched by Blood
This Is My Burning Desire.