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Ailith Valeria Renfro

There was suddenly near us, startling us, another
skirl of notes on a flute, the common double flute.
~Magicians of Gor, page 120~

Ailith Valeria Renfro, a Lady of sixteen en'var,
is the daughter of the late Valerian Renfro
and the late Ailith Mor. Valerian, a sailor,
met and fell in love with Ailith, an entertainer,
with an ethereal voice and an incredible eye for drawing.
They had a few happy years together, then sadly,
the elder Ailith died giving birth to their daughter,
whom Valerian named for her mother, her middle name
being a feminization of his.
The little girl became his very reason for living.

Ailith at age 6 with Cimim

The child was very tiny and delicate like her mother,
with her exquisite features, but with her father's
distinctive coloring of obsidian hair and honey-brown
eyes with golden flecks. Along with her diminutive
stature, she also got from her mother an incredible
talent for music.
She sang as soon as she could speak, and at age three,
young Ailith played her first simple tune upon a flute.
Her gift was more than apparent.
For the first eight years of her life,
Ailith spent her time between the lush island of Cos
and onboard her beloved father's ship,
over which he was captain.

Ailith's bird, Cimim

When she was five,
she "inherited" Cimim, the ship's bird.
During a wild storm at sea, the exotic avian
saved her life by keeping her from being swept
overboard, and making such a ruckus about it
that he was heard above the storm, so that Ailith
was dragged from the very jaws of a what would surely
have been a watery grave by her father
and the man who is now her constant companion
and chief guard, One-Eye.

Tragedy touched Ailith's life yet again,
just before she turned nine: her father died of a
sudden illness aboard his ship.
Grief-stricken, she went to live in Schendi
with her aunt, Sophia Renfro,
whom she had never met until then.
The two bonded strongly out of the love
they bore for Ailith's father, Sophia's brother,
and the fact that they had music in common,
also, as Sophia herself was an entertainer.
Sophia's Companion, Logan Decline, accepted the
orphaned child freely and treated her as his own.
Still, with the blood of voyagers flowing in her veins,
she felt the need to explore.
And so it was that with the ever diligent One-Eye
and the "Twin Mountains" Olaf and Olmeg as guards,
not to mention the loyal Cimim,
Ailith begain to travel the width and breadth of Gor.

Uncle Logan and Aunt Sophia

After many adventures, with occasional stops back in Schendi,
Ailith and her retinue happened into Jasmine,
a city whose Ubar and Ubara
Mace Conon and Teresa La Croix, were friends
of her Aunt Sophia's and who graciously invited her
to be a guest in their magnificent home.
She and the others found a warm welcome
in the well administrated city.
Will she stay, or is it merely another temporary resting place?
As her father was often heard to say,
"Time tells all tales."
Until it does, she will remain as ever:
outwardly, an impeccably well-mannered young
Gorean Freewoman who enchants those about her
with her quiet maturity, sharp wit, well written verse
and beautifully played flute... while inwardly,
she is a young woman who has her own secrets
to keep and her own trials to face.

There was suddenly near us, startling us, another
skirl of notes on a flute, the common double flute.
~Magicians of Gor, page 120~

A few of Ailith's Favorite Flutes

On Gor, the singer, or poet, is regarded as a
craftsman who makes strong sayings, much like a pot
maker makes a good pot or a saddle-maker makes a
worthy saddle. He has his role to play in the social
structure, celebrating battles and histories, singing
of heroes and cities, but also he is expected to sing
of living, and of love and joy, not merely of arms
and glory; and, too, it is his function to remind the
Gorean from time to time of loneliness and death,
lest they should forget that they are men.
~Outlaw of Gor, pgs. 103-104~

Music by Vivaldi