And the Words Just Explode

by Megan Auffart

When she sat in her gaggle of sleek, ageless women
every nose sculpted by rich plastic surgeons
She laughs and her Maybelline mouth snidely sneers
as they gossip over six dollar imported beers.
She sits and dissects every fashion disaster
smoking her cigarette faster and faster
as I sit in the corner. I'm trying to read
but I'm aching to speak with unbearable need
to rip that gal's ego with self-righteous speed

Sometimes you just gotta let it burst out
like a firework
and the words just explode

Irascible thoughts strike and smash at my brain
As the women get drunk on cold beer and champagne.
I sit and I glare with my knuckles clinched tight
as they laugh at a waitress for being too 'white'
The one women has a voice very high-pitched
She announces her hundred buck coat 'poorly stitched'
and claims that it makes her look fat as a whale
while glancing at an obese man all the while
a thousand crude comments announced by her smile

Sometimes you just gotta let it burst out
like a firework
and the words just explode
A thousand negative comments are stated
as every person there is blatantly rated
A customer winces as she announces
that he's overweight by what must be ounces
A little boy's scolded for daring to talk
She loudly makes fun of a limping man's walk
I breath very deeply and clutch at my chair
and radiate hatred at their perfect hair,
announcing my feelings through one seething glare

Sometimes you just gotta let it burst out
like a firework
and the words just explode
I reach for my dollar fifteen cup of tea
empty as all those bimbos on TV
and get up in order to refill my glass
However before I moved far from my place
a familiar sound I had been hearing all day
sounded again just a few feet away.
The women began to drunkenly snicker
I manage to hinder my first urge to bicker
but that one woman laughs suddenly in her liquor.

Sometimes you just gotta let it burst out
like a firework
and the words just explode

I swear I did my best to hold my tongue still
but apparently rage takes the best of us all
My self-control vanished just like a scent
and every nasty word man can invent
Rolled savagely, mercilessly from my lips.
I whipped them with comments, my hands on my hips.
The rich gaggle of women accepted each blow
and with every sentence my pride seemed to grow
as I paid back her previous words quid pro quo.

Sometimes you just gotta let it burst out
like a firework
and the words just explode
When I left the building, extreme satisfaction
radiated from my every action
That the woman and her retinue were paid back
for all of their unprecedented attacks.
Maybe all the things that I said weren't polite,
but it's hard to keep quiet when you know you're right,
especially when you are hardly devout.
I've learned that, at times, beyond any doubt
Sometimes you just gotta let it burst out
like a firework
and the words just explode