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Welcome to my Poetry Website

Publishing my poetry to the internet was probably the biggest contradiction of what I hold sacred, "privacy."  It happened at a time I was learning how to build websites but lacked a reason for one.  So I fell on my sword and bore my heart and soul to the world. Hence, my first website was a Poetry Website.

Dale-the Closet PoetFor the majority of my years, there was no place in my life for poetry.  I could not relate to poetry and was rediculed heavily in my earlier years for my inability to understand and incorporate poetry into my mind.  I refused to make an effort in this area and accepted the fact that poetry served no useful purpose. That was, until I sat down one day, in my 40th year, and suddenly began to write poetry.  I was dubbed the "Closet Poet" by someone who knew my life and disdain for poetry.  Once it began, it was like turning on the water.  For a few years, it continued to pour out of me.  I don't explain to anyone the inspiration for each of my poems.  Suffice it to say, my poetry comes from my personal feelings, desires, and experiences, from fantasies, from visions,  sometimes they are a mixture of all of them, they include observations/feelings about what someone else is feeling, and on occasion I have written for someone else, upon request.  I'll leave it to you, the reader, to determine for yourself what inspired each.  I hope you enjoy my site!!

As I mentioned above, I don't explain my inspiration for each of my poems. That is my way of preserving a little bit of privacy.  I do accept comments about my poetry from anybody who wishes.  If you are so inclined, feel free to contact me