Lisa Schiffman Wins JFCS’s Exceptional Service Award


by Susie Davidson

Advocate Correspondent


BOSTON - On June 20, Lisa Schiffman will be acknowledged for volunteer effort above and beyond when she receives the first annual Jewish Family and Children’s Services Simone Lottor Exceptional Service Award. Schiffman has coordinated JF&CS’s Jewish Community Information Service since 1992, which aids individuals who seek information on all aspects of the Jewish community, is also a site coordinator with Family Table (Greater Boston’s Kosher food pantry), and has volunteered at the JF&CS’s Friendly Visitor program for isolated elders.

“For information,” says JF&CS’s Diane Nahabedian, “as a friend to an older adult, or making sure every family has enough to eat, JF&CS volunteer extraordinaire Lisa Schiffman has been there.”

Schiffman is also the Department of Transportation (DOT) Liaison Librarian in the Engineering and Science Libraries at MIT, where she provides reference and research services to the Library at the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S. Dept. of Transportation), and a Reference Librarian in MIT's Barker Engineering and its Science Library.

“I spend my workdays helping patrons find information on all sorts of topics,” she says, “including science, engineering and transportation. I use books and, more frequently, on-line databases for this research. And I spend [some of] my volunteer hours at the Jewish Community Information Service helping callers find information on a wide range of topics related to the Jewish Community.”

In true altruistic form, Schiffman appears to get as much as she gives. “I get such a huge amount of personal satisfaction from volunteering," she says. "I help people in my professional career, and can continue to do the same in my personal life. My parents were also very involved in volunteer work, and now my daughter is volunteering while she is in graduate school. It is an important legacy to pass on.

“Through the Jewish Community Information Service, I am available when a family is looking for a mohel, someone is looking for their great grandmother’s cemetery plot as they trace their family lineage, singles want to meet other singles in the Jewish community and need to know how to begin, or parents are looking for Hebrew school.”

A New York native, Schiffman graduated from Wellesley College. “I was introduced to JF&CS,” she recalls, “because my mother’s health was failing and we needed services. One Friday evening I went to a Shabbat service heard Leonard Fein say that ‘more elderly would die from loneliness than anti-Semitism’. I decided to extend my volunteer hours, and became a Friendly Visitor.”

 “If it weren’t for Lisa Schiffman,” says Nahabedian, “there would be countless individuals and families searching for answers. Imagine the difference Lisa Schiffman has made in the lives of so many individuals in the community just by volunteering her time each week.”

The award, to be presented annually to a JF&CS volunteer who exemplifies the values of Tzedakah and service to the community, was created by the Lottor Family in honor of the memory of Simone Lottor, who volunteered in JF&CS programs such as Visiting Moms, Friend to Friend, Home Care and Home Health Programs.

 “Simone took our work into her heart and made it her work,” says Peggy Kaufman, Director of JF&CS’s Center for Early Relationship Support.

Lisa Schiffman makes no change in her dedication or duties. “If you've got a question,” she says, “give us a call at 617-558-1278, ext. 260.”

The award presentation will be on Thursday June 20, at a luncheon given by JF&CS.




The Board of Directors and staff of JF&CS wish to recognize Lisa for her hard work and dedication to the Greater Boston community and our agency.




------------------------------------------------------------------------Jewish Family and Children's Services : News


JF&CS participates in Feinstein Foundation matching grant to fight hunger Fri Apr 19 16:20:18 2002 Alan Shawn Feinstein, 70, of Cranston, Rhode Island, is offering $1 million as seed money to nonprofit agencies that help fight hunger. JF&CS/Family Table, Greater Boston's Kosher food pantry, is among the Jewish community agencies nationwide participating in this effort.


 For the past five years, The Feinstein Foundation has offered a Challenge Grant of $1 million each year, to be divided among organizations that use it as a fundraising spur to raise money to fight hunger in their communities. The money is divided proportionately among all agencies who participate in this two-month program, which began on March 1, and ends on April 30, 2002.


 To participate in this fundraising effort, please make a donation to JF&CS/Family Table before the end of April (click on our "giving" link, or go to A proportionate amount of the Feinstein money will be added to your donation, and the larger your donation, the more money JF&CS/Family Table gets to fight hunger here in Boston.


 Annual Meeting will welcome Alan Dana as new President Fri Apr 12 14:45:02 2002 JF&CS is pleased to announce the installation of Alan Dana as the new President of our Board of Directors. This will take place at our 56th Annual Meeting on May 15. This year's theme for the meeting will be "Celebrating JF&CS Senior Services: A Safety Net for Our Community."


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Phone: 617.227.6641 All content ©2001 Jewish Family & Children's Services



> I've attached an article by Diane Nahabedian of Jewish Family and

> Children's Service, which you are welcome to use as source material if you

> decide to write a freelance piece for the Advocate.



Lisa Schiffman

Jewish Family & Children’s Service

Exceptional Volunteer




--- "Lisa S. Schiffman" <lsschiff@MIT.EDU> wrote:


I've attached the press release from Jewish Family & Children's Service describing the Simone Lottor Exceptional Service Award. Should you have difficulty with the text attachment, you can read the text on the JF&CS website at