This article appeared in the April 13, 2001 issue of the Boston-based Jewish Advocate.

It was credited in Michael Moore’s book “Stupid White Men.”

For an archive of my other articles, please visit

"That's where the Bush family fortune came from: It came from the Third Reich" -- US Justice Department Nazi War Crimes Prosecutor John Loftus


The Bush Family – Third Reich Connection

Fact?  Fabrication?


By Susie Davidson

Advocate Correspondent


Maybe you’ve heard about it.  Maybe it wouldn’t surprise you.  Maybe you’re just curious.


But three books, varied newspaper series, court records, convictions and correspondence attest to a definite link between the Bush family and the Nazis.


The Sarasota Herald Tribune, in November 2000, reported the president of the Florida Holocaust Museum’s statement that George W. Bush's grandfather had derived a portion of his personal fortune through his affiliation with a Nazi-controlled bank.


US Justice Department Nazi War Crimes Prosecutor John Loftus, who authored many books on St. Martin’s including "Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis and the Swiss Banks" (1992) and along with Mark Aarons, "The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People" (1994) and an upcoming one on Jonathan Pollard), was also quoted: "That's where the Bush family fortune came from: It came from the Third Reich."  Dirty dealings are chronicled in Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin’s entirely downloadable "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography".


Here’s the deal, so to speak.


Prescott Bush, W’s grandfather, was a principal in New York’s Union Banking Corporation from the late 1930’s-1940’s.  This bank was owned by key Nazi industrialists, who funneled money into it through another bank located in Holland.  "Union Banking," says Toby Rogers, who wrote a five part series last year on Bush-Nazi ties for the Greenwich Village Gazette series, "became an ‘out and out Nazi money-laundering machine.’ "


In 1942, when George Sr. was an 18-year-old naval pilot in training, the US government under FDR ordered Prescott’s banking operations seized under the Trading With the Enemy Act, as Prescott and Sam Bush were tried for treason.  The stocks of three Nazi executives, Prescott Bush, and three associates were vested.


Nonetheless, when the bank was liquidated in 1951, W’s grandfather and great-grandfather each received $1.5 million in proceeds.  This is what is believed made up the bulk, if not all, of the Bush family fortune.  The powerful partners in these ignoble ventures are reputedly those who boosted the Bushes into the CIA and government positions.


Other actions followed; the US government seized three more Nazi front organizations run by the bank.  However, they were too late; Bush’s family had already centrally financed and armed Hitler and the Nazi war industries.


The web of secret operations, dirty deals and cronyism detailed in the above books can be recounted only briefly here.  William Stamps Farish, president of Standard Oil, later known as Exxon, opened up the Auschwitz slave labor camp with Chairman Walter C. Teagle (a pal of Henry Ford) in collaboration with I.G. Farben on June 14, 1940.  Jews, used to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal, were worked to near death and then murdered. Farish’s grandson, W.S. Farish III, served as George Bush’s money manager.  Farish later formed the Humble Oil Company of Texas.


Neil Bush, of BCCI fame, was named after Neil Dresser, business associate of Standard.


The roster of Prescott Bush business associates, from his father-in-law George Herbert Walker (one of Hitler’s biggest US supporters), Fritz Thyssen ($1M Hitler financier later convicted in Nuremberg), Averell Harriman (Mussolini negotiator, supplier of $50M in German bonds to  US investors), Brown Brothers execs (long involved in slave cotton trading), Kurt von Schroeder (treasurer of Nazi Party private armies), John Foster Dulles (international attorney for dozens of Nazi enterprises and later Republican US Secretary of State, helping propel Prescott into Senatorhood), reads like a Hitler CEO board meeting.


Of course, the Bushes were not alone.  The Rockefellers and Kennedys also profited from financial dealings with Nazis.  It has always been all too easy to hide money in multinational funds.  "They behave like pirates," says Loftus.  "They don’t care about ideology; they care about money."


But the Bush Nazi sympathies continued after the war.


The Washington Jewish Week, on Sept. 8, 1988, condemned several of George Bush Sr.’s campaign’s Ethnic Advisory Committee members as "well known anti-Semites and pro-fascists."  Quoted were Henry Siegman, executive director of the AJC, Albert Vorspan of the Union of American Hebrews, Michael Miller of the JCRC and Abraham Foxman of the ADL, who cited Jerome Brentar, who associated with Holocaust denial groups, Ignatius Billinsky, involved with Nazi apologists, Florian Galdau, described by Simon Wiesenthal as "the leader of a Romanian pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic movement in NYC", Philip Guarino, another known anti-Semite, and Laszlo Pasztor, an official in the Hugarian government anti-Semitic agency Arrow Cross.  Alan Dershowitz jumped in.


Their pressure paid off; eight Nazi sympathizers subsequently resigned from the Bush committee (four, not surprisingly, were back working for the party by 1989).


Another persistent rumor, long circulated around Yale University and discussed by Ron Rosenbaum in September 1977’s Esquire magazine, is the presence of Hitler’s silverware among hidden relics of the Skull and Bones society.  In varied interviews of Bonesmen, this has never been definitively denied.


George Upson Waller, a contemporary of George Sr., changed the subject when asked.  "Someone told me Maureen Dowd wrote an article about GW Bush’s substance abuse in his youth.  I said I didn’t realize he had enough substance to abuse."


A link?  You decide.