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Wall of Shame

Welcome to My Wall of Shame!

This is a jumping off spot to several places I have placed some of my poetry on the web, I've spent literally many weeks putting it all together over the last two years. The reason I call it the Wall of Shame is the reason I started writing poetry, not that I am ashamed of what I've written! I've been writing since February 1999 after going through a lot in my life. (attempted suicide, divorce, drugs and losing everything including my family and friends) Within the pages ahead there is a transition from dark to light, covering a lot of ground in between. I hope and pray that someone who is in a bad way reads some of these poems and it brings them some insight and helps them to kick a habit, or to give them courage to make it through another day. I am no Saint, and have been through a lot, but if one poem helps one person, then it is a blessing to me and I thank God every day for what He has given me!(health, happiness and several talents which I would love to share with the world!) Kick off your shoes and get comfortable, there are a lot of poems and prose (a lot of free style of my own invention) to read. I never claimed to be a poet, I'll leave this up to you to decide. Please feel free to send me any feedback, my e-mail addys can be found on this page and several others. All comments, good and bad or indifferent are welcome! Hopefully there is something here for everyone, I hope you find something you like!

All the poems in the preceeding pages were written by Ron Kinard copyrights 1999, 2000, 2001 (unless otherwise specified)

p.s. you might want to get a box of kleenex ready~

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The top 5 reasons I write poetry~

  • I love to share~
  • it carries others to places I can only dream about~
  • it's cheaper than a shrink~
  • it satisfies my imagination~
  • it's my dreams, thoughts and opinions, like it or not~

Please begin your adventure here~

The Dark Poetry of Ron Kinard
The Crypt-where I have my Dark Poetry buried~
Poem Of The Day~
Christian Poetry~
Soulmates-for friends and lovers~
Poem Online Community~
A Variety in Prose~
Ron Kinard the Poet~
Poet's Links~ Links to other Poets~
Publishers links~ contests, submissions, etc.~
More Poets~ friends, links, etc~
Parental rights~ single and divorced parents' rights~
