! ! !The Girl I Use To Be! ! !

The Girl I Used To Be

She came today as I sat alone...
The girl I use to be
She gazed at me with her saddened eyes
She questioned me reproachfully

Have you forgotten the many plans,
The hopes I had for you?
The great career, the splended fame,
All the wonderful things to do?

Where is the mansion of stately height
with all its gardens rare?
The silken robes that I dreamed for you
The jewels for your hair?

As she spoke, I was very sad
For I wanted her pleased with me.
That slender girl from the shadowy past,
The girl I use to be.

So gently rising I took her hand
I took her down the hall to where
Peacefully sleeping my daughters lay
Innocent, sweet, and fair.

I told her these are my gems,
Precious they are to me.. the silk
robe is the robe of motherhood
In all of its simplicity.

My mansion, is the state of love.
The career I have is serving those
With love within these walls.

As I spoke to that shadowy guest,
She smiled through her tears.
I saw the woman I am now,
Pleased with the girl I used to be!


Copyright © 2000 By ~Bunnylady~

This poem was written by Bunny Lady (Gloria). I have her permission to use it in my site.

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