
Make Someone`s Day

Make Some`s Day

What effort does it take
To let someone know you care ?
To assure them
That you'll always be there ?

A hug, a smile, a grin,
It`s not hard and does no harm.
To share with another person
It will even make you feel warm.

A word of encouragement,
A compliment or two.
Can make someone`s day
Happy instead of blue.

Give a smile, an embrace,
You won`t be sorry you did,
Every single one will come back to you
Please don`t keep your feelings hid.

Keep someone company
Really listen to your friend
They may be terribly lonely
Let them know on you they can depend

I send to you today
This poem filled with warm wishes
And lots and lots of
Hugs, smiles, and kisses

March 10, 2002


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