Hello And Not Good-Bye  





My son you have seen

the worst of times

but yet have seen the best

life may have seemed

unfair to you

up to this your final rest.

We did everything

that we could do

to remove the evil curse

the disease that caused

such misery

and eventually got worse.

This evil thing

has taken your life

and violated your chance

to live

cut short your youth's vitality

with all it had to give.

It may seem hard

to understand

that good can come from bad

that happiness and joy can come

from times so very sad.

But good things have

already happened

as now you can clearly see

your vision of a higher power

that sets our spirit free.

You have given

the Lord to us

in ways no one ever could

made our eyes to see his light

our hearts to feel his good.

We have seen his miracles

made possible through you

although your life

was very short

you brought us hope.....

that grew.

A stronger faith in our Lord

a deeper love in our hearts

a different way

of looking at life

in all it's intricate parts.

So my son,

your life was not wasted

but shared with all mankind

and everyone, if we look

will find the tie that binds.

The tie that binds

all human hearts

to each and one another

and when death does come our way

it's shared by each sister and brother.

So today we are sharing you

a celebration of your life

so brief

the saying of our

unsaid good-byes

and the beginning of our grief.

Grieve we must for our tragic loss

for your eyes so heavenly blue

sorrow for the empty void

that was once filled by you.

Our grieving will not be easy

in fact it will be long endured

we all loved you so very much

and had hoped you would be cured.

But you have ascended

to the Father

a fact we must accept

and for all you have given us

we are forever in your debt.

Good-bye my son,

you're in good hands

though I will miss you in my own

but I will see you always

from the seeds that you have sown.

Thanks for having been my son

I'm proud to be your dad

and until our souls again unite

I'll remember all we had.

Now as you soar on eagle's wings

over rainbows in the sky

whisper to me upon the breeze

Hello and not Good-Bye.

Mitch Carmody


All Rights Reserved


~ Kelly James Carmody ~
~ November 16, 1978 ~ December 1, 1987 ~

~ Forever Remembered ~
~ Forever Missed ~

"Letters To My Son"

"A Journey Through Grief"

is the Title of the Book Mitch

wrote in honor of his son Kelly.

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Midi Pachelbel Kanon "D" is used with permission from
Johann Pachelbel, 1653 - 1706, Kanon "D"

Many Thanks To Karen At
For Permission To Use Her
Beautiful Graphics!