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Poetry, Writtings and other intertaining stuff packaged in unique background sets and graphics.

You are Visitor Number since JANUARY 1st, 2002.



Welcome to my sitemap.

Below you will find several "angels" who are eager to direct you to the various Rooms in my home. Just click on one and she will take you there. For your convience some of my rooms (such as the guestroom)have two or more sections. Again just click on the angel beside the section you desire to vist and "voila" you will be transported there. Thank You for visiting my little home away from home and please Come Again Soon.

Reading Room (My Poems & Writings)
(The Attic)
(Here is where I store many of the little "treasures" I've collected over the years. Come on in and have a look there's a lot of interesting stuff for you to rummage through!)
(Here is where you come to entertain guests.)You will find a place to send cards to all your friends and family.

Drawing Room
(Original Artwork, by artist Vera Engelbart. (My mom)

(Here are oodles of pictures and "cute stories" about my grandkids!) (and a few of my own kids!) Have Fun!! (This is, of course, a room in which I personally spend a lot of time!!)

Family Room
(I've hung a number of pictures from my "family albem" on the walls of this room.) ENJOY!
Prayer Room
(My Testimony)

(Sign my Guestbook)

(View my Guestbook)

(Come along and visit a few of my friends here on the web)
E-mail me




Some of the graphics on this page were provided by Graphics by Penny Parker