July 06, 2003
I went to bed last night with a throbbing migraine, thinking it would be gone when I woke up. I was wrong. It's been coming and going all day, but I don't care. I am in such a terrible mood right now, and I'm not sure why. Everything is just going so wrong, and everything is making me feel more and more like crap. I'm listening to some old Thursday and wondering why I am being so dramatic, but sometimes being dramatic just feels right, you know? I don't care right now that my parents refer to me as the 'drama queen' right now because I just don't care. The truth is, this is the worst I've felt in a long time, and it scares me. I'm not used to this anymore, I've been doing so good, but just, everything...Sigh. Today I pigged out and I want to throw up...Fuck. Whatever. I'm working on a new layout, but that's all. It'll be simple again, but I hope I will like it once it's done. Hopefully I'll have it all up by tomorrow, and I'll try to make some content as well. The parents are gone, and my sister is being so horrible. I need to cry. Heh, I'm so over dramatic. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow and the post won't be full of complaints. I hate complaints. I hate everything. I hate everything about me. I skipped softball practice again, I'll probably be benched next game, but I can't really say I care, because I don't. I don't feel good.
I have to plug Isaura because for one, she plugged me, but she was my first (and only :D) commenter.

Alexis wrote at 8:41 PM

July 02, 2003
I have finally returned to the internet world. I'd love to be able to say that I haven't missed any of you, but I've missed everything terribly. I am back with angelfire seeing as my host decided to delete my site. I have no yearning to return to her as she was not all that amazing, but I do miss being able to call some place home. I've lost all my contacts, cliques, and friends since I've been gone, but it feels good starting fresh. Before I was so caught up with the internet trends and I never saw the beauty of it all. I am looking for a host, I just need to find time to look around and submit hosting requests. Anyone looking for a hostee who knows graphic design although tends to go for simplicity, already knows about FTP and HTML, and would be a good little hostee? It's worth a try, agreed? This "layout" is temporary until I get some creativity back into my blood, and there is no content for you at the moment. Maybe eventually...
I had to go to my cottage yesterday. I didn't want to, but the parents forced me into the car. When we got there, it started raining, and then there was thunder and lightning, and then it was pouring. Yes, I had a great time. Obviously, sarcasm is my friend. I tried to start writing my story while I was there, but there were so many people around that I couldn't concentrate. I wouldn't mind going there by myself one day, because it's so peaceful and quiet and I'd probably be able to start writing, but oh well.

Alexis wrote at 12:21 PM