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Fret Filings - (Anne's Blog)
Friday, December 30, 2011
Topic: Tab Requests

A notice to inform people that tab requests have been discontinued.

Doing a full tab properly takes somewhere in the area of ten hours. It requires a few nights (3-5 depending on length and difficulty) to do the tab itself, then more time to enter it into the computer, do a thorough check on it, and get it posted. Over forty of the tabs on this site have been done by specific request from various site visitors, representing some 400+ hours of my time doing songs others have asked for.

But a post I made on the site blog awhile back revealed (over a period of time) that not one site visitor had two minutes (or less) of time to give back. A particular link wasn't clicked on even one single time. No time, no interest.

This discrepancy led to a reassessment of my own time management, and ultimately to the decision to end tab requests. 

Posted by planet/zerofret at 9:07 PM EST
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Topic: Tab Requests

It was suggested in the comments section a few days ago that adding a Tab Requests section to the site would be good, so I've now done that. This blog post is where requests can be made. There are two ways to come directly to this post:

1. From the blog page - Click on the Tab Requests link on the right hand side of this page.
2. From the website - Click on the Tab Requests link on the Home Page.

 Anyone who has a tab request can add it in the comments section of this post. I'll post in the comments section to let you know if I can do the tab.

A few comments about tab requests:

A person will only make a tab request if they reasonably think I can do the tab. So I'd suggest having a look at some of the other tabs on the site to judge the quality of them for yourself. Then if you'd like to make a request, post away right here.

Anyone who wants to can make a tab request. The Comments section on this blog is set so that anyone can post a comment. Of course, I'm always available by e-mail for anyone who would prefer to make a request that way. There's an e-mail link on the Home Page of the site, and it's also listed at the top of every tab.

Whether or not I can do a tab by request depends on a few things. I hate having to say that I can't do a tab if someone asks me to, but there are reasons why it's sometimes not possible. The most common reason is that I don't have a copy of the song. I have to have a song on CD to be able to tab it. I can't work from tapes (anymore), because most of my tape recorders have bitten the dust on me. I can't tab a song directly from a soundfile or video on a website (eg. YouTube) because my computer set-up is in too small a space to be able to work right at the computer with my guitar. If I can find the song on either of the pay-per-track sites I'm registered at (Bonfire and PureTracks) I can get a copy that way. But much always depends on whether or not I can get the song.

Of course, it also depends on simply whether I'm able to do the tab or not. If I have the song, I can guarantee that I'll try to do it, but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to.

I don't expect that I'll get that many tab requests, but for anyone who would like to make one, this provides an easy way to do it. Don't hesitate to ask if there's a song you'd like to see tabbed.

(Thanks, Rick, for the suggestion.)

Posted by planet/zerofret at 3:57 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, December 30, 2011 8:53 PM EST
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