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It was in the fall of my life,

nearing the snows of winter,

when within a dream I awoke and realized, unbidden,

in the middle of the night he had come back to me smiling.

I had been feeling cold and tired and I had curled up in the bed

in a tight little ball until I got myself warm

and safe in piles of blankets and let myself drift into slumber.

He was so delighted to finally see me open up to him again

he hardly knew what to do with himself or with me.

So infectious was his joy that I was giggling without knowing why.

(I’ll bet he started smiling from the first moment his mother licked him clean

even before he first opened his eyes.

I didn’t know him then but he must have been a warm soft ball of fluff.)

So it was I saw him with his tongue hanging out

looking at me with mirth.

I don’t think he expected me to acknowledge him

for when I did, he gave himself up to the ecstasy of recognition

and greeting common to animals that haven’t seen you in five minutes

reacting as if it had been at least five years

and for us it had been much longer.

The moment my eyes rested on him,

he began to get excited and took to dancing around me

trying to convince me that he cared.

He would move close and then just as I reached out to touch him

he would jump back and run, just out of range.

He leapt and bounded and ran in little circles around me

and then down, butt in the air, head on front paws grinning at me

before he took off to repeat the process.

Finally, with one great lunge he hurled himself at me,

upsetting me and spilling me into a pile of giggles onto the carpet.

Reaching back and back into forgotten memories, long ago yesterdays

when he was my playmate, where did we not go together

when our spirits were young?

Did we play hide and seek among the clouds?

I wonder when it was that I packed him away

with the toys of childhood I stored in the attic?

Why did I? Childhood came and went with lessons to be learned

and growing up things to do

and I didn’t have time to pay attention

to where I stored Yanteh, my wolf spirit friend.

His light dimmed by years spent ignored

and my light dimmed by growing up and getting on with it,

I got on with it without the fullness of his love

that could have made my way warmer.

I don’t remember when I first became aware of him

although surely there must have been a beginning.

Perhaps that will come to me someday,

like all the rest, as waking from a misty dream.

How many lifetimes have we wandered through together?

Flashes of, fragments of, forgotten moments fill my mind.

I see him bury his muzzle under my arm in an affectionate gesture.

I see myself throw my arms around him, sobbing into his soft fur

when whatever world we were in became too heavy.

I see his yellow eyes that hold so much compassion and joy,

narrow and glitter and his upper lip pull back to expose sharp fangs,

growling deep within him in a quiet but dangerous warning

to any who might threaten me.

He is my protector, the sentinel who sees to my well being.

He is my guide. He is my friend.

Yanteh is large, standing taller than I,

if he were to place his front paws upon my shoulders,

and he is sleek and shiny. His fur is silver trimmed with white

and he glows with health.

In his yellow glittering eyes is the bright gleam of intelligence

softened with the liquid warmth of love freely given.

He is overflowing with fun and good humor,

giving him a youthfulness that surely must belie his spirit age.

Yanteh is quite happy in his role as protector, friend and guide.

He is exuberant in his lot and wishes for nothing else.

He only knows that he is happy, in fact, he is filled with joy

that I see him again, that I allow him passage to come to me.

It is enough.

If only I could describe the joy of sweet reunion,

the thrill of being once more side by side,

the quiet peace and happiness,

knowing all is well and I’m on the right path, which stretches out before me now.

The purest love of all is that which asks nothing

but to glow nearby and be allowed to give.

In that purity, time ceases to exist and we allow spirit to take us where it will.

It will take us home.

In laughter shared, tears comforted, and golden moments

packed away in secret places in my mind, like photographs,

Yanteh in all his grinning glory belongs to me.

He is wolf, he is free, he is happy,

he is timeless and he is mine.

Yanteh, the wolf, runs along beside me,

My only companion
As I roam the moors and the meadows
After dusk.
My thoughts wander
And I stop to sit
On a rock and contemplate
Life and my part in it.
Yanteh cocks his head
And looks at me.
I cannot tell him my thoughts,
Yet he knows,
His eyes are wise.
I listen and
The universe whispers in the dark,
Hush, hear...

“Come sit beside us,

Sit beside us and learn.
We come in love
Because you asked to know.
Open your ears
That you may hear.
Open your heart
That you may understand.
Leave the world behind
And climb with us to the stars.
We have heard you,
You are in a cocoon, Nothing can touch you
Or harm you.
Hear the singing?
It is your song, your voice… Sing to the world
That they might come,
That they might understand
And feel the love…
Step outside yourself..
The joy is so intense
Your body can not contain it.
Touch the walls of love
All around you.
They are soft and warm.
That is all there is…
The music of the universe
Is harmony and love.
We can exist together,
We will not fail…
Others come
And knock on our door
To help break open the chains
That bind us to human thinking
And allow us to float free
So we can get beyond ourselves.
The wonder of life
Is more than this small world.
It calls from star to star
And echoes across the dark deep.
We’re traveling toward a love of all,
Toward the light.”


Love is all that has ever mattered,
Love is all there is…
Yanteh looks at me and blinks
His eyes meet mine
And he whines softly in the back of his throat.
He knows love, he knows….