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Edith Rayne

Name: Edith Rayne
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Red
Blood type: Unknown
Weapons: Duel blades, Harpoon, Dragon blades
Powers: Dilated perception, blood rage
Height: 5 foot 11 in (1.08 m); 6 foot 4 in (1.93 m) in her heels
Measurements: 36-22-36
Heritage: Dhampir (Half human, half vampire)
Hobbies: Hunting, arcade occult rituals, martial arts

Appearance: "Edith" appears vaguely similar to the other clan members. However, her features seem to have since calcified strangely, creating a visage more in tune with some refined "ideal" of more than any original reality. She is stunningly beautiful.

Abilities: She is immune to the effects of disease and aging. She possesses enhanced human strength and survives off of the blood of living beings. Eden likely had some vulnerability to religious icons, although, like the Ravnos, these would probably only have been those that existed prior to her creation. She may or may not have vulnerability to sunlight, and the other various limitations of vampires. As she was only seen briefly, her powers and limitations are limited to speculation.

Clan Background: The Ravnos clan shares many characteristics with the Gangrel, but there is no other clan with which it more differs.The Gangrel are loners, however and the Ravnos try to avoid direct physical confrontations. Ravnos and Gangrel is the nomadic lifestyle common to both. Few Ravnos would ever consider staying in one city for an extended amount of time. Those who have adapted to an urban lifestyle change their havens on a regular basis, never staying in one for more than a month. The other prominent similarity between Ravnos and Gangrel is both clans' connection with Gypsies. However, while the Gangrel are widely accepted among Gypsies, the Ravnos are accepted only within their own family (if they are of Gypsy blood). Though Ravnos live much like Gypsies, they are not accepted by them. While most blame this on the Ravnos'unquenchable compulsions to lie and steal from those around, others say the very auras of the Ravnos repulse the sensitive Gypsy mystics.