Karma, bitches!!!
Current Record:
A lot of wins to a few losses

Lost Souls:



2 X Hart Champ, 2005 Lord of the Ring, XWC World Champion, 1x X-Treme Champion, 2006 X-Mas X-Treme Finalist,XWF World Champion, XWF Canadian Champion, NEW XWF Universal Champion



Roleplay Title:
XWF Presents: The Warriors
Next Match:
Daniel Malcolm vs. Brad Pierce vs. Dynamic Dynamite in Tools of the Trade Steel Cage Match for the Universal Title
Current Titles Held:
XWF Universal Champion
People Mentioned:
New Dawn, Patience, Brad Pierce, Jonathyn, Dynamic Dynamite, Wild Orchid, Bigg Rigg, Psyko Stevo, Jem Williams, Raziel, Alex Cutwright

2007 is the Year of New Beginnings!

The Date: September 26, 2007

The Location: Flying somewhere over the North Atlantic

The Scene: We see Daniel Malcolm resting on his flight over to London. He is taking the time to conserve his energy until he gets to London to visit who he is looking for. He has his hoodie over his head and his earbuds in his ears as he is watching his copy of "The Warriors". This is a moment of calm before the storm as Dan has to worry abour facing Brad Pierce and Dynamic Dynamite in a Tools of the Trade Match inside of the confines of a steel cage. There is a lot riding on this match, but Dan is worried about the title least of all. He is only worried about protecting the sanctity of his family. He does not want his household to be disrupted by the evil of Jonathyn Brown. If Dan loses, he will lose his lady love for entire month to the greasy clutches of his boss. He has just started to get everything right within his family life. However, all of that work will go for nothing if he loses this match. The cliche has been used many times before, but this is the biggest match of Dan Malcolm's career. He could not only lose his Universal Title, but he could lose everything that he loves in his life. He is putting his family above himself despite Pierce's claims that the champ is doing the exact opposite. Dan is fighting for something greater than his title. He is fighting to keep his family together.

Will love conquer all or will Jon's deck stacking work? The odds are long as he takes on two of the hottest wrestlers of 2007. However, there is no other option. Dan has to win or he will lose everything. Brad has nothing to lose except his little emo-boy temper. The champ wants to wound his archrival more than any other tool that Brad has used on his wrist. Winning this match may send Pierce over the deep end and make him quit once and forall. He has seen that Brad is one of the sorest losers in the history of the company. Beating him would cause Brad's biggest meltdown in his career. He also is aware that Dynamic Dynamite is lying in the weeds. He knows that the former multi-time World and Universal Champion is flying under the radar. DD is still dangerous and will be a force to be reckoned with. Dan knows it may be a two on one, but he has to deal with this. He will go through Hell and highwater to save his lady.

He starts to dream of what it would be like if the XWF turned into the movie "The Warriors."

Start Dream Sequence...

We see The Warriors making their way to the big gangland meeting in the Bronx. They are traveling in the sewers and subways to make sure the cops and rival gangs don't stop them.

Angel: I wonder what MiGrAiNe wants with all of the gangs. Why has he called all of us to the Bronx like this? It's weird.

Caed: I agree, Angel. There have only been four times that the leader has called all of the gangs together like this. I have only been there for two of them, but the meetings were major. Something big always happens, and I have a feeling that will happen tonight.

Psyko: Man, we got better things to do than listen to old man MiGrAiNe do some stupid unity speech. I got beers to drink and heads to bust. What does the old guy have to say that we haven't heard before?

Dark: Shut up, Psyko. Keep your mouth shut. The New Wavers could overhear us and we are dead men if they get their hands on us. The NW is the post powerful group in the city and that is thanks to Boss. They'll kill us if they hear us running them down.

Psyko: Please!!! I can take them. I can take them all.

Mace: I just hope that they have a pine box in your size because you will need it against The New Wave. I may be the noob in this gang, but I have heard things about that group. Even I am smart enough to walk away from them.

Caed: We're here. Let's line up so we can get this meeting over with so we can go back to our home in Coney Island. I want to ride the Cyclone.

Half-Amazing: Screw that!!! I got some bitches I gotta holla at.when we get back. MiGrAiNe better make this good.

Angel: He will. Caed said that the boss man wouldn't waste our time like this. He never calls meeting you unless it's major. Look at all of the gangs that are here.

The Warriors look around and see all of the gangs have arrived. They see the Baseball Furies, the Rouges, the Lizzies, the Bulls and the Punks. All but one gang has arrived at the party. Everyone is waiting for The New Wave and their leader, MiGrAiNe, to arrive. Angel shoot a glance over to The Rouges and sees the top three members of the gang. He sees Dynamite, Pierce and the ringleader Jon Boy. Pierce returns the look to Angel and they stare a whole into each other. Caed sees this and warns his protoge of starting a big gang war.

Caed: Don't look over there. We don't want to start something with The Rouges. Dynamite and Pierce are two of the meanest suckers around. We need to be careful because they got the numbers on us. We have to pick and choose who we throw down with, but that isn't important here comes The New Wave.

The New Wave members come out and get into formation. The leader, MiGrAiNe, comes out and stands up high on the perch. The leader looks over to see the gangs that have gathered to hear the words of the great leader. MiGrAiNe looks out and starts to address the crowd.

MiGrAiNe: Ladies and gentlemen!!! I have gathered you all here tonight for one reason. Our competition is weak. We have been waiting in the weeds for years until the perfect moment. The time is right for us to strike. It is time for us to make our move. It is our turn to rule this city. NOW CAN YOU DIG IT?!?!!??!!?

All of the gangs start to cheer loudly as they are solidly behind their leader. However, a gunshot comes out of nowhere and it hits the leader. MiGrAiNe checks himself and sees that he has been shot. Everyone sees that their leader has been injured by a shot from out of nowhere. People frantically look around to see where the shot came from. Jon Boy points the finger at The Warriors.

Jon Boy: The Warriors did it. They did it. The Warriors did it. Get them!!!

All of The Warriors look up and look around as the gangs have turned their attention to them. It does not look good for them. They have to make a break for it.

Angel: I think things don't look good for us. We have to get out of here.

Psyko: I think you're right, Angel. Even I'm not this loco. Even I can't take all of these guys at once. Caed, we need to jet.

The Warriors take to running to try to get out of this jam. All of the gangs are trying to chase The Warriors through the subways and the sewers. Caed realizes that he needs to give his gang members some time so they can escape. He stops dead in his tracks and Angel wonders what is going on.

Angel: Caed.... why are you stopping? Everyone is after us. Come on, bro. We have to get moving. Come on.

Caed: Angel... get out of here. As your leader, I command you to get out of here. I am going to make the ultimate sacrifice and give you the time you need to get out of here alive. You guys need to get back to Coney Island. You guys need to get back home. No one will mess with you if you get back home.

Angel: But Caed... you are going to get killed. They are all going to kill you.

Caed: I know. You just got to get everyone back home. It's the last thing that I am ordering you to do as your leader. You need to do this for me.

Angel stairs at his friend and leader. Caed is stubborn and wants his young protoge to go and get back home.

Caed: It's not a request. Go! GO NOW!!!

Angel runs off and catches up with the rest of his group. He takes one last glance back and that his fearless leader has been swallowed up, but the oncoming rush of rival gang members. Psyko and Dark wonder what the heck is going on. Where is Caed?

Dark: Where did Caed go? I thought he was right with you. He was besides you when we started running?

Mace: Yea. What gives? What happened to our leader?

Angel: He told me that he is sorry he can't help you, but wanted to give you some time so we can get back to Coney Island. He wanted us to get back home and protect our turf. I tried to stop him, but he told me to go on and get moving. We have to get home.

Everyone is stunned at the news that their leader has sacrificed himself in order to save the whole group. They look around at each other, but they realize that they have to get moving. They realize that they are in Central Park. They seem to be in the clear, but out come a couple of the Baseball Furies led by their leader Juggalo. Psyko smiles and is ready to fight. Juggs strokes his bat and is also ready to fight.

Psyko: I'm gonna shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle. Let's dance.

The two gangs start to rumble and The Warriors get the advantage after a bit. However, the numbers seem to be too much as The Orphans and The Punks look like they are joining the fight. The Warriors go inside and split up. The Punks start rolling in and The Warriors get into a couple of the bathroom stalls. Angel and Psyko get up on the toilet so they won't get spotted. They can see The Punks roll in through the small keyholes. Angel kicks the stall door open and it hits Proto right in the face. Psyko follows suit knocks down Pogo. The two Warriors finish off the beat down two the two Punks. Meanwhile, Half-Amazing, Mace and Dark are trying to deal with The Orphans. Their leader, Right, laughs as his gang surrounds the three Warriors. The Orphans leader is a self-aware coward, but he is easily swayed by flattery. Dark and Half-Amazing remember that and use that to their advantage.

Right: It seems that you boys are outnumbered. The New Wave will be very pleased. Maybe I can get a position of power. My Orphans will no longer be at the bottom of the barrell. Me and my queen will rule the city.

Right pulls the arm of a young lady named, Patience. She does not look happy to be there. She struggles to get free, but she can't. While the others are surrounded. Psyko and Angel try to sneak around and get the advantage. Half-Amazing spots Angel and starts to buy some time.

Half-Amazing: (sarcastically) I'll have to admit that you are smart. Catching us will probably make you powerful. You won't be the laughingstock of the city anymore, Right. The New Wave will worship you.

Right: (smiles) You really think so? I would look good with the all of the power on my side. I can possibly run the city. (laughs maniacally)

Dark: (shakes his head) No. I don't think so.

Just then, Patience kicks The Orphans leader right between the wickets and a brawl ensues. Angel and Psyko get the jump on the other Orphans by slamming chairs over the rival gang's heads. Dark uses his massive strength and chucks gangsters two at a time. The Warriors have cleared out The Orphans in a matter of minutes. They take a breath, but they realize they have to get out of the city in a hurry. We do quickly to a studio where DJ Easy Lee Stone lays out the scene.

DJ Easy Lee Stone: It seems that someone has it in for The Warriors. Someone is trying to set up these guys. Caed said it best when they have to make it home. They warriors got by first base, but it's a log way to get home. There are many people that want to grab power, and they will do anything to stop our heroes from making it back to the Island.

The Warriors are walking towards The Bowery where The Punks and The Lizzies share the territory. Angel and Patience seem to be getting along like they have known each other for years. He wants to know why she was running with a coward like Right.

Angel: So what were you doing with The Orphans? You all don't know that they are big losers? They weren't even invited to the meeting that MiGrAiNe had tonight.

Patience: I don't know. My brother was the leader back when the gang was powerful. I wanted to go to college, but Right tried to take me and make his bitch. I don't want to be a gangster. I want to be left alone. Thanks for rescuing me from that jerk.

Angel: It's no problem. I don't like seeing any lady being taken advantage of the way that he took advantage of you.

Half-Amazing: Look at you trying to be smooth, player. I see you trying to make a move on her. I didn't know you were a player.

Angel: Easy off the lady. Will you? She's been through a lot. I wouldn't be in the mood to do anything to hurt her. Especially after what Right tried to do to her. I'm not a jerk like that.

Psyko: (snickers) Sure you are, Angel. Sure you are. You are nothing more than an innocent person that wants to escort this lady home.

Angel rolls his eyes as The Warriors see The Lizzies. The Lizzies are the tough all-female gang. Orchid, Vixen and Tristan are there on the corner and they whistle at The Warriors.

Vixen: Hey, baby. You guys need a rest. I know everyone has been after you. Why don't you hang with us?

Tristan: Yeah. We can give you a good time.

Most of the boys look at each other and love the idea of hanging with these lovely ladies. Dan doesn't want to go because he wants to talk to Patience a little more. Half-Amazing wants to get himself something to smoke so he can take the edge off. Psyko, Dark and Mace go upstairs with the Lizzies. They pair off in couples on the couch as they start to talk about the "fun" that they are going to have.

Orchid: So... what are you boys into? What are you up for?v

Tristan: I know that you boys are having a rough night. Maybe we can give you something to help you relax.

Mace: Sure. I'd love it. I'm up for anything. What did you girls have in mind?

Vixen: (as she pulls out a revolver) How about a quick bang?

Psyko: (floored) Holy sh*t!!! The chicks are pakced!!!

The Warriors try to get out of the room in a hurry. Dark lifts up the sofas and he tips them over to block the bullets and slow down The Lizzies. Mace and Psyko see a fire escape and go down it with Dark in hot pursuit. Angel and Patience look up see the rest of The Warriors trying to get down the escape. Angel asks what happened.

Angel: What the hell happened? What did you guys do to piss them off?

Psyko: I guess they didn't like my pickup lines. They are still coming. Run!!!

The Warriors start to run again, but they catch a glimpse of Half-Amazing being cuffed by an undercover officer. Mace catches this and he runs over to try to free his friend. He tackles the undercover cop and they start to wrestle. Mace tries to grab the cops gun, but Mace is shot dead by the cop's partner. Angel wants to run in, but Dark holds him back. It's too late to help them. The four remaining people slink into the shadows to avoid the cops and the gangs that are after them. Things look bad for our heroes. However, DJ Easy Lee may be able to help them with some good news.

DJ Easy Lee Stone: It seems that The Warriors are taking losses. They have made it past second and they are on their way to home. Things may be bad, but they are about to get the big break that they needed. Things may start to be looking up.

We go to the scene where the New Wave is still trying to figure out who shot their leader, MiGrAiNe. Jem and Cyren are hot at the whole situation, but Centurion and Stinger are calm and collected. It seems that someone at the conclave has decided to step forward to clear the name of The Warriors.

Jem: Where are they? I want to pound those Warriors. I can't believe that they killed our leader like that.

Stinger: Hold up a minute, Jem. This person here thinks that he saw something else. Here is that witness. (to the witness) Excuse me, mate? What did you see? Did the Warriors do it?

Witness: They did not. Someone else pulled the trigger on the shot that killed your leader. I saw the whole thing go down. I know who did it. I know the man that you are looking for.

Stinger: Who is it then? Please tell us, mate.

Witness: It was Jon Boy of The Rouges.

The New Wave is stunned. They can't believe that Jon Boy would go to all of this trouble to set up The Warriors. The New Wave knows that they have to get to Coney Island or else the Warriors are going to get killed.


We see the remaining Warriors have made it back home. They all look dead tired and are about to pass out. However, they hear some bottles clanking together. The Warriors turn around see Pierce and Dynamite of The Rouges. They also see the leader Jon Boy. Jon has the bottles in his hand and he is clinking them together. He has an eerie look on his face.

Jon Boy: Warriors.... come out and play-ay!!! Warriors.... come out and play-ay!!!! Warriors... come and play-ay!!! Warriors... come out and play-ay!!! Warriors...

Angel: (screaming) ENOUGH!!! That's enough. You set us up. I just knew it. I have been thinking about it all night about who could have done this to us, but there is only one person that is jealous of us and that person is you. I should have known that you were trying to get rid of us. Let's finish this between us. You and me. Let's do it. One on One. No gangs. No bull sh*t! What do you say you coward?

Jon Boy: (smiling with evil delight) Sure, let's do it. You and me, Angel. I am sick of you and The Warriors. It's our turn to rule. The Rouges are going to rule the city. I did this because I wanted you and The New Wave to wipe each other out. We were going to step in and take over the power void. It's our time to take over. Let's finish this once and for all.

Angel comes over to try to charge Jon, but he sees the Rouge leader pulling out a gun. Angel takes a knife out of his pocket and slings it at Jon. The knife hits the wrist and knocks the gun out of Jon Boy's hand. Dynamite and Pierce come at Dark and Psyko. The fight is even until the New Wave show up and everyone stops. Stinger takes to the front of the line and stares a whole into Jon Boy.

Stinger: NEW WAVE!!! Get into formation.

The New Wave comes over to Jon Boy and Stinger stares a hole into the man who killed their leader Jon tries to pick up his gun, but Angel kicks Jon in the face and knocks him out. The other Rouges try to split, but The New Wave catches them. Jem scoops up Jon Boy and Stinger looks at Angel. He is happy that The Warriors handled their business.

Stinger: You Warrriors are good. Real good. I thought you were sh*t, but you are real good.

Angel: (smiles) We're the best.

Stinger and the New Wave surround the Rouges and confront them. The remaining Warriors walk down the beach of Coney Island and away from the beatdown. They have survived and they go down the shore.

End of Dream Sequence...

Dan wakes up from his dream as the plane is starting to land. He takes the earbuds out of his ears and closes the DVD player. He smiles as he has made it to London. It's now just a matter of time until he tracks down the people that he is looking for. It's been a long tme since he has seen them, but the trip will be well worth it. He takes the hood down from his head and puts his sunglasses on. He looks out the window and realizes that it is time for him to get down to business.

Daniel Malcolm: Showtime, folks. Let's get down to business.

Dan's Diatribe: I can't believe that Brad is so delusional in the fact that he thinks he is the good guy in this whole thing. I wasn't the one who kicked your mother in the head. I only touched Amy Vixen because I couldn't touch you. You claim that the world is against you, but your actions caused that. Attacking innocent people will do that. I was really getting screwed by the system this year. I did bust my ass week in and week out while people like you and DD would get title shots. It took Hardcore Smitty to cut through the red tape to get me a shot. I show up every week and I do my job. I entertain those fans. I do all that I can to please those people. You do all that you can to achieve your selfish goals. I started The New Dawn to make sure that Jon wouldn't screw people that worked hard. I thought you were working hard and not getting your fair share, and that's why I helped you. I should have known that you are completely guliable. You drank Jem William's Kool-Aid, but he left because he couldn't deal with you. You needed to leech onto someone else like a parasite and that's how you became Jon's little stool pigeon. I warned you for that entire month to never trust Jon, but you fell into the trap like a little kid getting into a stranger's van. Jon showed you the candy and you stepped into his world without questioning it. Is that all that someone has to do is dangle something shiny in front of you and you will comply with their wishes? I saw that you had the chance to be a leader, but you are nothing more than a follower. I was once like you, but I realized that is no way to go through life. Steve Jason taught me that a man has to step out on his own if he wants to be a legend. I once tried to hang on the every word of The Stinger, but I realized that is no life for me. I didn't want to be Steve's sidekick forever. I knew that I had to suck it and go it alone. I have done that and then some. I am this company's future. You winning this title would only set the XWF back into the Dark Ages. Do the world a favor and cut yourself, Emo Brad. I'll go heat your bottle up for you because your going to need your ba-ba after all of the crying that you are going to be doing after Rage in the Cage. You aren't going to be the person that hooks Jon up with lady love. You may have cried after Famine of the Vile beat you, but I am really going to give you something to blat about after I am done with you. I am not going to let one of Jon's paper champions win.

That is exactly what Jon wants. He is trying to use me to get to my lovelty fiance. He's as corrupt and megalomanical as any dictator. Jon is trying to plunder this company for his own personal gain. With men like Steve Jason and Jem Williams gone, someone has to keep that egomaniac in check. I know that he has his favorites. I know that Pierce is his champion, but I know the reason why. He doesn't want to have to deal with the emo kid crying if he doesn't win. Jon would rather stack the deck against me to prevent him from throwing a temper tantrum. Is this company run by the weak willed or what? I may have lost matches before and I may have been upset about that, but I didn't start crying like Brad does. I suck it up and move on. If this is the way that Jon is going to manage the talent, then he will always struggle as a parent. You should have told Pierce "NO". You should have gotten in his face and told him to screw off in a firm but friendly tone. I know that you are no Jo Frost, but you need to reign in your superstars. Punish Brad Pierce for kicking my girlfriend's mom in the head. Don't give him a friggin' title shot because of it. I am surpirsed that you don't feed and burp Pierce when he eats. I know that you have Dynamite there as an insurance policy, but I am going to bury the both of them. The only reason I want to win is to make sure that you don't touch my Patience. I get violently ill when I think of your grimy hands and bruised thighs all over my lady love. Protecting Patience will be the ultimate prize, but beating your ass about the steel cage will be one hell of a bonus. I would trade in the Universal Title just to make sure that she is OK and that you are nothing more than a bloody pile of bones left inside of that ring in Montreal. To quote my old mentor Steve Jason.... and that is... UNDENIABLE!!!!!