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Mr. Thomas’s 4th grade class


Hello and welcome to Mr. Thomas’s 4th grade class.  Today we will be discussing the country of Peru.  Peru is located in Western south America, boarding the South Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Ecuador.  It’s geographic coordinates are 10 00 S, 76 00 W.  Peru is slightly smaller than  Alaska.  Peru’s land are is 1,285,000 sq km.  It has a coastline of 2414 km.  The climate varies from tropical in the east to dry desert in the west and temperate to frigid in the Andes.  The population as of July 2005  is estimated  to be 27,925,628. Peru’s natural resources include cooper, silver, gold, petroleum, timber, fish, iron, ore, coal, phosate,, potash ( a name frequently used for potassium), hydropower, and natural gas.  The capital of Peru is Lima.  The economy in Peru is poor.  Unemployment and poverty have stayed persistently high.  Even though Peru has abundant resources, they are found in the mountainous areas which mean they are extremely hard to abstract.  The labor force is 9% agriculture, 18% industry, and 73% services.  54% of the population Live below the poverty line.  Permanent crops only account for 0.4% of the land use because of the mountainous terrain and the desert like climates in some regions.  The physical and human characteristics of Peru have made it difficult to take advantage of the land.  The natural hazards to the country such as earth quakes, tsunamis, flooding, landslides, and mild volcanic activity are physical processes that have shaped the patterns of Peru.  The natural hazards (physical systems) have  also affected human systems by taking lives and destroying  property.  Peru’s economy is reflected by its varied land use and climate.  The patterns and networks of economic interpendence on earths surface have left Peru in a state of poverty.

Now its quiz time.

1. What state in the U.S. is slightly bigger than Peru?

2. Name  2 natural hazards of Peru?

3. What is the capital of Peru?

4. Name 4 of Peru’s natural resources?

5. What % of the population is living below the poverty line?

This concludes my discussion on Peru.

For more information on Peru, visit these websites                                                   







Peru’s  National Flag

Machu Picchu