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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
Ulterior Motives
Chapter 24

Willow's line gif

Xander rubbed his forehead in frustration. ‘Confluence of Water and Earth.’ “What the hell is this?” He’d checked all the references he had and come up blank. He sighed, he was going to have to call in favors from all over. Hopefully someone would know something.

Spike responded to Xander’s request by sending out letters to several of his contacts asking about the confluence. He knew that they’d have to wait a while for answers so he continued his preparations for he knew not what.

“Pet, I hate this. Are you sure you can’t figure it out on your own?”

“Sorry, tried until my head hurts... nothing. I’ve searched all my books until I’ve nearly worn off the print. Spike, I’m tired. I’ve researched until I just can’t any more. I’m not doing myself or you any good by wearing myself out. I’m going to bed. Coming?”

Spike took a really good look at Xander for the first time in three days. He looked terrible, dark circles under his eyes and unshaven for the first time Spike could remember.

“In a few, pet. You go on. Take a bath, a long, hot one. Relax. When’s the last time you ate?”

Xander thought for a moment. “I don’t remember. Maybe I’ll have Timmins bring me something.”

Xander left his office, headed for his quarters.

Timmins met him at the door. “Young Master. You look exhausted. I’ll prepare a bath and turn down your bed. Anything else?”

“Food,I don’t remember when I ate last. My stomach thinks my throat’s been cut. And get a message to Master Bruce. I want to step up my training. And I need to tell Sylvia to get in touch with Giles. Music lessons, I forgot about them. I need to apologize to him.”

Timmins just nodded. “Very well. Bath. You sit right there and rest. Your bath will be ready in just a few minutes.” Timmins went to run a bath, set out pajamas and prepare a tray for Xander, to be ready when he was done with his bath.

Xander settled into the scented water. Timmins always put a few drops of something in the bath. Xander breathed deeply and scooted down in the tub until he was submerged up to his chin. He stayed there until he heard the door open.

“Pet? You asleep?”

“No, just thinking.I’m really worried about this. Buffy’s good and she’ll probably do this without breaking a sweat, but it’s not like Giles to not know something like this. What’s going on?”

“Giles is setting Buffy up to be on her own. I think he really doesn’t know what this confluence is, but he’s making Buffy work on it herself. Which leaves us with the dirty end of the stick ... again.”

“Well, I’m all for letting them take care of business themselves. We’ve done all we can. Apocalypse and what not, not our business anymore. Besides, when have you ever known her to fail?”

Spike gave Xander a worried look. “Pet? Not like you to be so calm about something like this. What’s up?”

Xander shrugged. “Somehow my fear button got broke. We either survive this or we don’t. I refuse to spend my time worrying about something I can’t fix. Buffy’s good. Really good. We should trust her to do the job. Help her all we can and just relax.”

Spike sighed, sometimes Xander’s ability to just accept scared him. “Ok, pet. But I have to admit that I ... it’s against my nature, feels like giving up somehow.”

“Not giving up. Just ... like I said, not worrying about something we can’t do anything about. Now,I’m going to get out before I turn into a prune.”

Spike handed Xander a towel and watched as he dried himself. Then Timmins came in with a shaving kit and started making preparations to shave Xander. Spike waited until he was done then held out his hand for the razor. Xander settled in the barber chair in the corner wrapped in a big towel. Spike whipped a few drops of water and the soap into a foam and started brushing it on Xander’s face.

“You like being shaved, don’t you?”

“Yeah, feels so good. You any good at this?”

Spike laughed softly. “Shaved Angelus often enough. Lazy prat.”

“Too bad cutting his throat didn’t work.”

“True, true, but it annoyed the hell out of him.” Xander snickered. “Hold still.”

“Ok, but stop telling me stuff like that then.” Xander stretched his chin up, baring his neck.

Spike gazed at Xander for a moment then began to shave him. The trust Xander showed, allowing himself to be shaved with a straight razor made Spike’s hand shake for a moment.

Xander opened one eye. “Spike?”

“Nothing, pet. Turn your head.” Xander obeyed without question, allowing Spike to finish shaving him. When Spike was done wiping the last of the soap off Xander’s face, Xander leaned up and kissed him.

“I’m hungry. Timmins promised food. Is there food?” Xander’s hopeful look made Spike laugh.

“Of course there’s food. Timmins promised, didn’t he? Come on. He’s got it set up in the bedroom.”

Xander sighed happily. “Can I have it in bed? I’ve never had anything in bed before. Not even when I was sick.”

Spike sighed softly, hearing such things made him want to go eat Xander’s parents, but he’d promised not to so he wouldn’t. “Sure you can, pet. Timmins will bring a bed tray. I’ll tell him.”

Spike went on through to tell Timmins to bring the promised tray while Xander got his pajamas on.

Xander came out of the bathroom just as Timmins set the tray. Spike held the covers open, Xander slid between the sheets and Timmins set the tray across his lap. Spike settled on his side of the bed and snitched a piece of cheese.

“Hey! Mine! Get your own.”

Spike just grinned, he knew Xander would give him anything he asked for, stealing a bit was just fun. And Xander didn’t really mind, he knew that there was plenty of everything available on request.

“Just a bite. I’m going to go out tomorrow night. I’ve still got to find the Freaky Master, as you’ve been calling him. He’s breaking every rule I made. He’s making fledges just because he can, and trying to wrest my court away from me. Not that he’d ever be able to run it. I’m tired of cleaning up his messes, or Buffy having to do it. I’m going to concentrate on finding him.” Spike stretched. “Now, finish your supper and go to sleep. You look like shit.”

“And thank you so much. My ego also thanks you. Ass.”

Spike just laughed at Xander who snorted his amusement around a mouthful of cheese and crackers.

Xander soon finished with the food and Spike put the tray on the floor.

“Ready, pet? I think I’ll stay up a while but you go on to sleep, I’ll just read a bit. Ok?”

Xander grumbled, “Sleepy now. Read if you like. Night.”

Spike tucked the covers over his shoulder and settled with a report. He was ‘lumbered’ with a pile of reports and requests for audience that he had to read. Some of them were over 20 years old. He growled.


Giles finally managed to trace down the reference he’d been looking for, with a great deal of help from one of Xander’s contacts. A contact he’d made through Spike. Giles growled in a definitely unlibrarian manner and thumped the prophecy with a fist. The Confluence of Water and Earth was simply a good rainy night on the full moon. “Blast! What a bunch of idiots. Wait until Spike and Xander find this out. Spike will go insane. Now what?”

Buffy just shrugged. “Well, we check the weather report and an almanac. You write down all the dates of the full moons for the next... six or seven, months?Then we keep checking around. Amber isn’t that common a thing to ship in large amountsis it?” Giles shook his head. “Who do you know that could find out if someone ships that much amber into Sunnydale? See, easy. Not simple,” Buffy held up her hand to forestall Giles’s remark. “Easy. So, what needs killing tonight?”

Giles had to shake his head at this. He’d been worried that Buffy wouldn’t be able to manage on her own, now he was wondering if she needed him at all.

“Just a general patrol, I think. Nothing much seems to be happening just now. Spike has taken care of a great deal of the trouble. Now all we’re getting are mindless monsters and plotting idiots. However, they can cause real trouble if they aren’t taken care of quickly.”

Buffy hopped off the table she’d been sitting on and brushed the seat of her pants. “Ok. Why don’t you come with? You look really pissed. You need to work off some aggression. What’s with that, by the way?”

“I’m just very tired of the Council of Watchers and their attitude. I’ve turned in my resignation. I have money now. Between that cache of jewels I found and the 401K I invested in, I’m very well off. The Magic Shop is making money too. So I just told them to take a hike, I believe the phrase is. The wear on my nerves has taken its toll. But I have high hopes of feeling better soon.”

Buffy smiled happily at Giles. “That’s great. You don’t need them telling you how to do things. You tell them. You’re smarter than most of them put together and this just proves it. Now, we’ll go kill something, have pizza, stop by that new club and listen to some music and check the place for demon influences. Then home, shower, bed. What do you think?”

“Sounds like a winner to me, I’ll get my axe.”

Buffy smiled proudly at her watcher. It was about time he had a life of his own again. She knew she would need him for years yet, but he needed to let her do the job and just relax a bit more. Dumping the Council of Wankers was the first step. And if they thought they were going to inflict another Wesley on her, they had another think coming.


They took the time to stop by Tara’s new apartment to see how she was doing. It was late but a light in one window showed that she was still up. She was doing fine, and was glad to see them. She invited them in for tea.

Buffy grinned, “Ok, as long as it’s not one of those things that’s all pink. I hate those, they all taste the same.”

Tara nodded. “Passion fruit. Manufacturers put in it lots of herbals because it’s sweet. Then add sugar and ... bleh!”

Buffy nodded back at Tara. “I know what you mean. It’s just too much.”

Tara fix the pot and when it was done, handed round cups of PG Tips, saying, “So ... tell me what’s going on.”

Despite the lateness of the hour Giles and Buffy filled her in on everything. She kept tea made and listened, making soft comments from time to time.

Finally, Giles asked Tara what she was planning to do now. He wasn’t much surprisedby her answer.

“I’m not really sure. Willow seems to have ... cut me off from so many friends. I don’t remember the last time I went to a Wicca meeting, or Latin Club, or ... I used to belong to four clubs, now, I’m not sure. I’ll just have to start rebuilding my life.” she sighed softly and gazed into her cup.

“Will you come to work for me? I need more help in the shop. I’m being asked to stay open later and open earlier. I could give you about 20 hours a week. And you’d meet people with the same interests as you. In a safe environment. And I could check them out for...”

“Freakiness. And I’ll give them the shovel talk. If they’re ... um ... your type. If you know what I mean.” Buffy grinned at Tara who blushed and ducked her head.

“Thanks. I’d like that. When should I start?”

Giles finished his tea and stood up. “Come in tomorrow morning about ten and we’ll fill out the paper work. Buffy’s helping too. Between us I can come up with a schedule that covers the store, keeping two people on when we’re busiest. If we start getting enough business, I’ll put on another person. Too bad Dawn doesn’t want a job. But, Joyce doesn’t want her working just yet. Her grades are ...” he just shook his head and smiled, Buffy grimaced. The less said about Dawn and her grades the better. Joyce had grounded her the minute she’d seen the grades from the last semester.

“Well, see you tomorrow, Tara. Giles, we need to get going, you look beat.”

Giles just nodded and followed Buffy out the door.


Spike snarled softly.He was still reading briefs, but now the worst were only ten years old. He’d had his secretary organize them by importance rather than chronologically. He rubbed his face in disgust. The Master hadn’t cared for things like this before he’d gone completely insane, the moment he’d been trapped in the mission under Sunnydale, he’d completely quit doing anything except try to escape. Not that Spike blamed him for that, but still, he could have done something once in a while, if only to stave off boredom.

Xander appeared in the open door. “Knock, knock.”

“Better not be one of those damn jokes of yours. ‘M not in the mood.”

Xander pouted a bit. “Just wanted to ask a question and make a comment. But I can always go away and let you stew in peace.”

Spike was around the desk with his hands grasping Xander’s wrists in a split second. “No! Sorry, pet, it’s just that you should see all the ... idiocy I’m dealing with. Comment first, then question. Ok?”

Xander grinned at Spike. “Ok. I really like this collar, didn’t think I would but I do. And question. I thought it was supposed to be steel.”

Spike looked inordinately pleased with himself. “It is. It was treated with some ... process I don’t understand to make it look like gold. Why?”

Xander grinned. “Just curious. Now, why don’t you let me see some of this idiocy?”

Spike just tossed a pile of folders at Xander and announced. “You can deal with these, they’re all in languages I don’t speak. If you don’t know them either, put them on the floor. Otherwise, make a decision, or hand it to me if you think it’s too important for you. Ok?”

Xander just nodded absently, nose already buried in a folder. “Hmmm. ‘S ok.”

They worked most of the ‘day’ and consulted each other on some of the cases. It didn’t take Spike long to realize that Xander really had a good mind when it came to making a decision about certain things. Others, he didn’t seem to have a clue, since they played to each others weaknesses, it was a good thing.

Xander finally stretched and yawned. “I’m hungry. You want something?”

Spike rubbed his face and sighed. “No, I’m good. I’ll just finish up here. You go on and have something. I shouldn’t be more than...” Spike counted the files still on his desk. “Half an hour or so. Then I’m going out to hunt the Freaky Master again. Bastard keeps slipping through my net. Fucker.”

Xander sighed, this was getting a bit out of hand. Spike spent several nights a week just looking for the vampire they’d taken to calling The Freaky Master, for the lack of any other name. He always just missed somehow. And it was beginning to really rankle.

“Excuse me, Master Spike. I need to talk to you for a moment, if it’s convenient.”

Spike nearly snarled at the man but realized that he was one of the people working on the gate to the sewers that Xander and he had talked about.

“Yes, what is it?”

“I need to put part of the sewer level off limits for several days. We’re going to cut the entrance and the whole area will be dangerous until we get it rebraced and sealed. Then we need to get all the remaining debris removed and do the safety checks. It shouldn’t take more than ... a week. We could do it faster but I’d rather not cut the corners necessary.”

Spike thought for a second. “Ok. A week it is. I’ll write the signs myself and post a notice on the bulletin boards that I’ll belt anyone who disobeys me.”

The man nodded. “I’ll need the signs tomorrow. I’ll set up a place just inside the construction area for you. Magic marker?”

Spike nodded. “That’ll be fine. I’ll see you then.”

Spike turned his back on the bowing man and returned to his reading.


Xander got up at a reasonable hour the next day and was sad to realize that Spike wasn’t in bed with him. Spike hadn’t come in at all last night. He rolled out of bed calling for Timmins.

Timmins stuck his head in the door, asking Xander what he needed.

“Just need to know where Spike is. Did he come in at all last night? I don’t remember.”

“Yes, just before dawn. He went directly down to the new sewer entrance that’s being cut. I’m not sure why, but he said to tell you that he’d be late to breakfast.”

Xander grumbled softly. “He doesn’t have to stay up to eat breakfast with me. I’m ok with his hours.”

“Yes, but his consideration for you is a mark of his regard. He’s adjusting his hours a bit and you’ve adjusted yours. It works out well in court also, as the hours cross the line between day walkers and night.”

Xander thought about that for a moment. “I see. I didn’t think of it that way. It makes sense though. This way we’re not dealing with ... um ... people who are either sleep deprived or up way too early. Smart.”

“Yes, Master Spike is very smart. He went to ... Yale? Or was it Harvard? Very intellectual at any rate. Now, what do you want for breakfast? I’d recommend something light as you’re due in the gym for training. Master Bruce sent to remind you.”

Xander decided on fruit, cereal and juice. Timmins had it ready in seconds.

“Thanks. Coffee?”

“Certainly.” Timmins poured coffee for Xander and returned to his preparations. Xander hoped he was working on lunch.

“That lunch?”

“Yes, I’m making Shepard’s Pie. You like it, it’s healthy the way I make it and it’ll keep over if you’re late. Now, better hurry or you’ll be late.”

Xander gulped the last of his coffee and hurried out the door. It wasn’t a good idea to be late, especially when Master Bruce was going to start a new phase of his training.


Spike settled at the small table and waited for Master Bruce to speak, it didn’t take long.

“I’d like to begin Xander’s next level of training. It’s going to be very hard but it’ll be well worth it. But I feel it necessary ... and prudent to ask your permission first.”

“Prudent, yeah, that’s a good way to put it. No one harms Xander, no one.” Spike held up a hand to keep Master Bruce from protesting. “I know you’re not going to harm him. Just. Well, you know.” Master Bruce nodded.

Master Bruce trained in the old way and that could be extremely harsh at times. Xander responded so well to this type of training that both Bruce and Spike saw no reason to use other methods. They were never cruel but Xander would carry bruises for days.

Xander didn’t seem to mind much. Oh, he complained about it, but, if he’d ever refused they’d back off, he never did. The boy was much tougher than anyone had ever suspected. He made Spike very proud.

“The boy is good. If he wants to be trained, I'm all for it. Just make sure that you don't do him any harm.”

“I'll be very careful of him. You know that. And he's more than ready to move up a level. If you try to coddle him, you'll lose him.”

Spike made a face. “I know that. And I want him to have all the training he wants. I just ... hate to see him hurting.”

“I'm not too thrilled with it myself, but it's training. He won't thank either one of us for 'saving him. I'll try not to be too hard on him.”

Spike just nodded. “I know you're right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I'm a harsh master when I have to be, but I learned Xander responds so much better to kindness. It's hard, I'm not a kind man. I'm rude and bad and short tempered.”

Master Bruce just snorted. “You coddle the man outrageously, and he responds so well. I'd hate to see what happens if you forget yourself.”

Spike rubbed his face. “Me too. Well, enough of this. He'll be here soon and I have work. Keep me posted.”

Master Bruce just stood and bowed. “I will. You'll see, he's a quick study. Good-bye, sire.”


Xander realized that his training was going to be hard but he didn't care. He was getting better and better. His weapon work was flawless, Master Bruce said so. Now he was going to be taught hand-to-hand. He was so proud that he'd managed to learn what he had. And he was more than ready to learn more.

“Master Bruce, I'm ready. What first?” Xander bowed with dignity and waited for Master Bruce to explain what they were going to do.

“First, I want you to show me what you know about martial arts. Just do every move you know.”

So Xander stood in the middle of the mat, bowed and started going through every move he'd ever seen. Giles had taught Buffy right under his nose for years, he'd learned more than he'd thought. He used quite a few of them in his sword kata, but he hadn't done them without a sword in his hand.

Master Bruce watched critically, cataloging which moves Xander knew well and which one's they needed to work on. He was very surprised by how much Xander knew. Then he wondered why he was surprised, Xander was a very quick study.

Xander waited as Master Bruce stared at him. He didn't feel self conscious about his scrutiny, he'd gotten used to being stared at by now. So he just stood and waited.

“Well, that's very good. I didn't realize that you knew so many forms. But can you do anything with them?”

Xander sighed. “A few. But most, no. I'm ready to learn though.”

“I know. You're a very good student.” Xander bowed his thanks. “I'm going to show you a kata. I don't think you'll have much trouble with it. Now, we begin.”

Xander watched as Master Bruce worked his way through a kata that included all the moves Xander was comfortable with. Xander started out slowly but moved through the kata with some confidence. He had a very good memory, due to having to memorize so much trying to hide his reading problems.

Master Bruce had to compliment him when he was done. “Excellent, you got it right the first time. Very good work. Do it again.”

Xander did the kata a total of ten times. By the time he was done with number ten, he was sweating and very tired. But he also felt very good. He'd managed to please Master Bruce and avoid getting even one punishment. Not that he was overly worried about that. Master Bruce knew better than to use a belt. Xander could cope with any punishment but that.


Giles checked his phone messages and was a bit startled to hear Buffy telling him she needed him. She'd been doing very well on her own and he'd been contemplating his retirement with glee. But he'd agreed to stay with her for another six months so he opened his weapons chest and took out his favorite ax. He wondered if he should notify Spike that they thought they'd cornered the Freaky Master, after a bit of thought he decided he should. His call was answered by Xander’s secretary who said she'd pass the message on.

Giles met Buffy at the address she'd given, which he'd passed on in his message, she smiled at the sight of his ax. “Well, you still swing a bad ax.” She snickered at her own joke and missed the flare in Giles's eye. Ripper was getting closer and closer to the surface all the time.

“Come on, Buffy. Let's get in there and take care of this ass so I can go home and have my tea. I'm sick of cleaning up after the prat. And he makes you way too much work.”

Buffy just nodded and headed out. Neither one of them saw Xander standing at the end of the street.

He’d gotten the message from Sylvia instead of Spike. Sylvia had said she couldn’t find Spike so she’d passed the message on to him. Xander had decided to come see what was going on for himself. He’d stay out of the fight unless it got away from Buffy and Giles. He never thought about notifying Spike himself, he’d told Sylvia to do that, when Spike came in.

Xander gripped his dochi, a walking stick that separated into two short swords, and waited. He never noticed Arnold hovering in the nearby alley.

It didn’t take long. He heard fighting, then the sound of running feet. He watched for a moment to make sure that it wasn’t an innocent bystander.

No innocent bystander looked like this. The runner was thin, filthy, hollow-eyed and ragged. His eyes glowed yellow and he hadn’t bothered to try to hide his demon face.

Xander stepped in between him and his escape.

“I think Buffy wants a word or two with you. Better stay around, it’ll make things easier.” Xander unsheathed his swords, the vampire sneered.

“Those are steel. You can’t hurt a vampire with steel. I’ll make you a minion, instead of a fledge.”

“Don’t think so. I’m already a thrall. Master Spike’s thrall, to be exact. So ... come and get it, Fangface.”

The vampire charged and Xander just stood and waited for him to come close. The fight was short but hard. Xander dodged the charge, and realized that he really should have brought a stake. He stabbed at the vampire’s back, hoping to sever his spine. It didn’t work but it put the vampire off his stride. He hadn’t thought the human would be strong enough or quick enough to dodge his charge. He took a second to regroup. A second that Xander used to his advantage.

He swept the vampire off his feet with a drop spin kick and slashed at his legs as he flailed for a second, trying to get back to his feet. The vampire managed to kick him in the thigh and get to his feet but with a nasty slash across his calf. Xander had to skip to the side to keep him from grabbing a handful of shirt. That would have been disastrous.

The vampire was more cautious now and Xander knew he had to finish it quickly or he was dead.

With this in mind Xander backpedaled, drawing the vampire into making a mistake. He followed in a rush, instead of beingcautious enough to figure out what Xander was doing.

“That’s right. Run, pretty boy, I’ll catch you no matter what.”

Xander just faked one way, getting the vampire to follow, then spun quickly, pivoting on one foot. This brought him into position to hamstring his opponent in one leg. The vampire screamed in fury and tried to attack, hopping on one leg. Xander dodged a third time, the vampire was obviously so used to his victims just giving up that he was confused by Xander’s continued resistance.

The vampire tried one last ploy. “Look into my eyes. I’ll show you all the rewards of submitting.”

Xander laughed. “I know all the rewards of submitting ... to Spike. That’s how you do it, isn’t it? You use that trick and make them come to you. Well, it won’t work on me. I’m already enthralled.”

“Idiot! You’ll never succeed in killing me. You don’t have a stake. And ...”

Xander moved quickly, while the vampire was still trying to enthrall him. He charged, whipping one sword at the vampire’s face and the slashing at his groin with the other. The charge confused him and the slash distracted him from the back cut of Xander’s right hand sword. As the vampire dusted Xander snarled, “Decapitation works too, idiot.” He brushed the dust away from his shoulder and sheathed his swords. He slipped into the shadows and went back to his truck.

Bud was there, making Xander start. Neither one of them saw Arnold sprint to a manhole cover and drop through it.

“Where did you come from?”

“Where the hell do you think? I’d really appreciate you not doing this again. I really like my guts inside me. Master Spike finds out that you took off on your own, especially to back up the Slayer, and he’ll have fits. Big ones. You wanna wind up chained in the basement again?”

Xander sighed, rubbed his face and admitted. “I don’t. I really, really don’t. I didn’t even think. I’m such a Scoobie still. Buffy snaps her fingers and I come running. But I was really more worried about Giles than Buffy. But you’re right. I’ll have to tell Spike myself. Shit!”

Xander banged his fist on the steering wheel. Bud just gave him a sympathetic glance then stared out the windshield. Xander drove home in a bit more of a hurry than the law allowed.

He made it just in time to have Spike yank him out of the truck.

“What the bloody hell are you thinking? Where have you been?”

Xander just stood and looked at Spike. He decided that Xander-babble was not going to do the job.

Spike ran a hand through his hair. He was furious, he always got mad when he was scared. Xander had just disappeared from the residence without any explanation. Bud had come to Spike and asked where Xander was, Spike hadn’t known and neither had Timmins. They’d asked around and Sylvia had told them where Xander was. She’d said that Xander didn’t say it was urgent that Spike be given the message. Spike had snarled at her, sending her scurrying away.

“Buffy needed me. I mean, she thought ... she called ... and the Freaky Master nearly got away. Only he didn’t.”

Spike rubbed his face with both hands. “Dammit! Start at the beginning and tell me everything.”

Arnold interrupted, saying, “He dusted your prey. The Slayer drove him out of his lair and Xander beheaded him.”

Spike blinked at Xander for a second. “Well, why didn’t you say so? Good on you, pet. But the next time you take off without telling me, I’ll make you regret it. Understand?”

Xander nodded. “Yeah. ... Spike?” Spike raised his eyebrow. “I’m really sorry. I told Sylvia to get the message to you. I guess she didn’t realize how important you would think it was. I’ll do better next time.”

Spike put one arm around Xander’s shoulders. “You better. I don’t like being scared like that.” At Xander’s skeptical look Spike barked. “What? I don’t. I get mad when I get scared. And who knows what I might do when I get mad enough. Come on, I’ll get us some coffee. And Timmins is going to rip you a new one.”

Xander made a face, he hated Timmins’ lectures with a passion. Timmins could reduce him almost to tears without breaking a sweat. Instead of cutting remarks or calling him names or whatever he just calmly explained exactly what Xander had done wrong and said he was disappointed. Xander hated that, he’d almost rather take a whipping.

“Man, I just hope he leaves some skin, last time, he left me really raw. Coffee sounds good.”


Giles beheaded the last of the fledges and chased the ragged vampire toward the door. Buffy was busy in the back of the warehouse, dealing with several minions. Giles charged the door and managed to get through it just in time to see Xander dust the Freaky Master. Giles started to go out to congratulateXander, but Xander was already on his way back to his truck. Giles blinked when he realized that the demon named Bud was just sitting in the passenger seat. He also saw the shadow that was Arnold slip out of the alley and run into the darkness.

“Hmmm, wonder what that’s about. Xander better be careful, court politics can be a bitch.” Deciding that Xander was capable of taking care of himself, especially with a demon beside him, Giles went back into the warehouse to see if Buffy was done yet.

She was, so they headed back for the Magic Box, discussing the kill on the way. Giles was startled and pleased to see that Xander was very, very good. He started to discuss this with Buffy but she held up a hand.

“I don’t want to know. It scares me how good he’s gotten. I think I know how Spike is doing it and I don’t like it. That’s not my Xander, letting himself be ... whatever he is. He’s changing in ways I don’t like.”

Giles snarled to himself. Buffy was going to lose all contact with Xander if she couldn’t get her head around his status. “Buffy, Xander is thrall to the most powerful Master Vampire on this side of the Mississippi. He’s a power in himself. Please consider how helpful he could be to us. If you don’t alienate him. He has Spike’s ear, as the saying is, and he can ask for things. Things, favors we need that Spike might not be inclined to give. Think, please.”

Buffy shrugged. “Well, if it’s that important, maybe you better suck up to Spike. I’m sure I’m not going to, doesn’t suit the title of Slayer. Now, I’m tired, I want a shower then a bunchof z’s. Night.”

Giles just stared after Buffy. She was becoming independent, which he wanted. She was also getting more stubborn, which he didn’t. He decided to let fate take care of itself and went into the back of the Magic Box to get some incense, then on home to sleep.


Spike fought with himself. His first instinct was to punish Xander until he fell unconscious. He knew this wasn’t going to get him where he wanted to go so he pushed the impulse aside. But Xander did have to be punished. He’d broken one of Spike’s firmest rules. No going out without Bud by his side. And the other rule, always let Spike know where he was going. But that one, Spike was going to let slide a bit. Xander had told Sylvia where he was going. Sylvia was going to bear the punishment for that, in fact she was being whipped as he struggled with his fury.

Xander just stood and waited with a quiet dignity, unexpected in the over exuberant ex-Scoobie.

“Sylvia didn’t tell anyone where you’d gone for nearly two hours, I was already searching for you. She told Bud, he called me but managed to get to you before me because he was out looking, while I was waiting here for word. He called when he saw you stake the Freaky Master. That’s the only reason I’m here instead of there. I’m not sure what I’m gonna do yet.”

Xander just nodded. Spike gazed at him for a moment then turned to Bud.

“Talk. Where was he?”

So Bud told Spike everything. How he’d come across Xander’s truck exactly where Sylvia had said it would be. And watching Xander take off the vampire’s head. He gave the opinion that Xander would have stayed right there in the street as backup unless he was really needed. The mad vampire had come to him, not the other way around.

Spike now had a real problem. Xander had actually done what was right, but he’d disobeyed Spike doing it.

Arnold interrupted Spike’s musings with more of his annoying prattle. “I told him not to go. I told him he’d be in trouble. I told...”

Spike just snarled at him. He shut up with a rebellious glower at Xander. Xander just raised an eyebrow at him then turned to Spike again. Arnold was really beginning to get on his nerves. He knew that the only reason he was still around was he was such a good mechanic.

Spike rubbed his face then pronounced Xander’s punishment. “Six lashes. No court for one month, I’ll assign you chores instead. You’re also grounded, no going outside for any reason. You’ll have lessons still, but double the practice. Go to quarters. Now.”

Xander walked away, head high, shoulders straight. He’d wait for Spike in their quarters.

Spike turned to Arnold and announced, “The next time he takes his truck you’re to come to me at once, not fuck around trying to decide how much trouble he’ll be in. Got me? And watch yourself, you’re really beginning to get on my nerves.” Arnold nodded, quickly slinking into the crowd of demons standing around watching. “And you lot, take off. Nothing to see here. Git!” They all scrambled to get out of Spike’s angry sight. Spike snarled again and stomped off, headed for his quarters and Xander.


Xander greeted him at the door with a sad eyed look that nearly broke his resolve. But he stood firm, Xander would obey him, for his own safety, if for no other reason.

“I’m sorry. Really. And I don’t expect my apology to mitigate my punishment in the least. But ... um ... could we get the punishment over with so we can go on to the cuddly making up part?”

Spike hugged Xander for a moment. “Yeah, pet, let’s get it over with. I’ll be back in a second. I got to get my crop.” Xander winced. “Rather have a cane instead?”

Xander just shook his head. “Doesn’t make much difference. They all hurt. But, if I have a real choice, I’d rather take the cane.”

“Not gonna cane ya, or anything like it. You’re takin’ it calmly, though.”

“Not really, but screaming and crying? Not real dignified and won’t do me any good, will it?” Spike just shook his head. “Didn’t think so.”

Spike just told Xander, in no uncertain terms, exactly how stupid he’d been. He lectured him on proper behavior and explained how much damage this could have done to Spike’s authority. When he was finished, Xander was nearly in tears.

“I’m sorry pet, but you gotta do better. I can’t have ya ignoring rules like that. I’m a Master Vampire and, if my demon decides that you’re too far out of line, he’ll take over and I won’t be able to control ‘im, no matter how much I want to. Now, ya got a nasty bruise on your shoulder here.”

Spike pushed Xander’s shirt completely off his shoulder to look at it.

“I’m fine. Hurts some, but Master Bruce has let me get worse from messing up a form. Stop fussing, come cuddle me and tell me how brave I was.”

Spike just sighed, pulled Xander into the bedroom and onto the bed. He carefully held Xander, hugging him.

“You are brave, and loyal and all the things I need in a lover. Understand?”

Xander smiled into the darkness. “Yeah, I understand.”


Xander woke the next morning and watched Spike sleep for a few moments before he eased his way out of bed and into the shower. His pride still stung a bit but Spike had taken it very easy on him, for which he was appropriately grateful.

He finished his shower quickly and dressed as quietly as he could. Spike watched from under lowered lids. Xander had seemed to want privacy so Spike had granted him his wish.

When Xander was gone Spike rolled over and sighed. It was hard to hold his temper when Xander did such stupidly brave things. He wanted to wrap him up in silk and save him from himself. But that was something that would destroy exactly the things that he so loved about Xander. He wanted all of Xander, not some shell that looked like Xander but wasn’t. So he held his temper in iron control. He wasn’t about to lose everything along with his notorious temper.

Spike finally got out of bed and ready for his day. He had to check on the sewer entrance today, one of the reasons he was up so early. He was glad that his sleep cycles had always been odd, he didn’t need much sleep and he could manage quite well on two or three hours caught whenever he could.

He headed for his office after asking Timmins to bring him some bagged blood, he didn’t have time today to go visit the stables, nor the inclination. So he stuck his nose in paperwork until Timmins brought his blood.

“Talk to the boy?”

Timmins just sighed and nodded. “Yes, sir. I did.”

“What’d he say?”

“That he was sorry he’d disappointed me and worried you. But that he’d do it again if he had to. Although he did say he’d make sure Sylvia, or whoever, knew to find you and tell you right away. Also, sir, he cried. Poor boy was very upset that he’d worried you. He’s in the dojo with Master Bruce right now. Master Bruce was extremely worried. He’s working the young master extra hard today, making sure that he can defend himself properly. I think he’s going to need a massage tonight. You might want to do it yourself, to prove that you’ve forgiven him.”

Spike nodded. “You’re right. I’ll do that. And ... treats. He needs a proper treat. Another sign that we’ve forgiven him. See to it.”

Timmins just nodded, said ‘Yes, sire.’ and left to make his preparations.


Xander groaned softly. Master Bruce was really taking a chunk out of him today. He’d set Xander to learn a new kata and it was very hard. Xander knew exactly what Master Bruce was doing but he didn’t say anything. He knew he deserved it. He’d worried all the Masters under Spike’s rule. He’d never realized how much they all liked him until he’d gotten a dressing down from almost all of them.

“Master? May I speak?”

Master Bruce just sighed and nodded. “Very well. But I’m not accepting any excuses.”

“Not offering any. Just want to say that I’m sorry I worried you all. It was stupid and inconsiderate of me. I’ll do better. And ... um ... there’s that one move about two thirds of the way through the kata. I need to see it done again. Please?”

“Yes. I’ll demonstrate it until you get it right. And ... you’re forgiven. That doesn’t mean that I’m done punishing you ... yet.”

Xander just growled and stood up. Master Bruce demonstrated the form and Xander copied him until he got it right. Then he managed his repetitions without an excessive amount of difficulty. Master Bruce only punished him twice and a bit half heartedly at that.

He worked hard and by the time he was done, he was sweating and weary.

“Man, I’m done in. You’re a hard master, Sensai.”

“I’ll be harder on you than ever now. You’re moving into a new phase of your training and I’m not about to take chances that you don’t learn. Get used to it.”

Xander laughed. “I know, I know. I’m just a great big whiner. I’m going to hurt like mad tonight. And Spike is going to want...” Xander flushed a bit. “Well, you know what he’s going to want. Wonder if I could get a massage before he shows up.”

“Don’t bother, pet. I’ll do it myself. And ... yes, I’m going to want sex, not that you object.”

Xander just grinned and shook his head. “I like it. You’re a great lover. Come on. I need a bath and that massage sounds great.”

Spike just pulled Xander along by one hand, laughing softly.

Web Page Design by S.A. McUmber-House
Copyright 2004, 2005 - all rights reserved
Last updated 1/15/2006