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I am not a very interesting person, I'm rather boring actually. Sorry.  B-(



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I am Very impressed with your work, I like it. I have 5 fairly small pieces right now. Since i was 16 whenever my life takes a major turn I get one and now I am feeling the urge again, my last was in Texas 6 years ago. Not to mention my whole world was just plumeting out of control. I have never walked into a studio knowing what I want, or usually even planning on getting something, but when it is time it happens and I am always very pleased. This time, it is over a woman. Even though she is gone from my life now, I will always love her and I never want to forget her. She is like a beautiful little bird. She was fascinated with skulls and death, I have attached a couple slides that she had put together at one point, followed by some of my skin. If you do not mind, and it is not too much of a bother I would greatly appriciate a rough quote and any ideas you may have. Thank you very much, and I hope you have a great day, peace, -Mike
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This site was last updated 09/13/06