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Hello my name is Whitney Puffer, and this is my first pregnancy. My due date is October 8, 2007. My fiance and I are very excited about this child.

Important Things to Remember:

  1. Take care of yourself
  2. Have regular doctor visits
  3. Listen to your body
  4. Take vitamins
  5. Eat when you are hungry (you are eating for 2)
  6. Moderate exercise

My Favorite Things to Eat:

Weight Gain by Trimester

Trimester Weight Gain Pounds Weight Gain Kilograms
1 3-4 1.5
2 12-14 2.5-4.5
3 8-10 1-3

To Find Out More About Me, Click One of the Following Links:

Where I Attend College
College of Technology
My Favorite Professor
My Favorite Poem
My Family
Funny Video
My Favorite Song