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Wet Ears: A Musical Episode Of Science Fiction

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What is Wet Ears?
Wet Ears is a collection of chronologically related musical pieces presented in the form of a "Musical Episode of Science Fiction". The theme of this episode is infinite space and the manifestations that take shape within it. Think of the entirety of the episode as a selection from any random point in the infinity of space and the musical pieces themselves as the bulk of the manifestations occurring. An important aspect to take note of is the atmosphere created in each piece. Words like "atmosphere", "propulsion" and "evaporation" should be on your mind while you listen because remember, it's sci-fi music. All pieces are meant to express their own unique feeling and invoke a different image from the listener. There is no noise in space so, theoretically, you are listening to these images. You are watching these noises in your head.

Instructions For Listening:
Listen without interruption in a place with no distractions. Listen through nice headphones or through a nice speaker system where the stereo image is present. Don't listen to this through shitty dollar store ear-buds. You're hurting your ears with those things.

Wet Ears was composed and performed entirely by Edwin Terrell (With the exception of the violin solo in the very last piece) and recorded at Greek Chode Studios. Any questions or comments should be sent to