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Muslim Invasion Of America,
It is At Our Door Step!
Part 1.

Our nation is faced with being attacked and almost annihilated by Muslims, Arab Muslims, and Muslim terrorist sleeper cells.  I am dead serious about what I just stated.  According to top level security reports, there are many radical Muslim sleeper cells in this nation that are primed and ready to go at a moments notice, to carry out suicide bombings, secret plots to hit major targets in major cities all across the United States.  It has been widely reported from U.S. security information, that several suit case type and size, “dirty bombs” (nuclear), have been smuggled into this country.
The United States is sitting on top of a bomb (soon to go off!). Not just nuclear bombs (the dirty bombs), but also, the bomb explosion of radical Muslim forces from within, as well as the soon to take place invasion of Muslim forces from other countries from over seas!  The United States is literally sitting on a “time” bomb, and timed to go off very soon!

            “Dirty bombs, as nicknamed after the fact of those kind of nuclear bombs, that cause excessive nuclear fallout range from the radioactive fallout.  The “suit case” dirty bombs are very small, and small enough to fit into a suit case.  This type of nuclear bomb has a rough effective destruction area (in diameter) of up to one mile.)

But not only that, our nation will be invaded by Muslims from the outside a well.  Let me make something very clear at this point of my report.  I want all the readers to know, I am not one of those kinds of people that get into conspiracies, or sees a conspiracy in just about any political, military, or international conflict, or war that there is.  I see myself as a rational person, and one who deals with facts.  There is an old expression that goes like this.  “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and flies like a duck, well, it ain’t no elephant!”  In other words, I see things the way they are, and for what they are.  And what I see today that is taking place with the Iraq war, and with Israel facing potential total destruction from it’s Arab enemies, along with Iran’s new nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and with the Muslims world wide commitment to promote their Islam religion by violent means, tells us that our nation, and the rest of the world, that this is in one of the most dangerous, and perilous of times ever seen.
I was stating before in regards to Muslim terrorist sleeper cells. There are many such cells in this nation.  I have heard several reports that there are a few thousand, to as many as hundreds of thousands of Muslims in those cells.  The sleeper cells are made up of mostly Arab Muslims.  I am sure to say that there is a certain number of American whites Muslims as well. These sleeper cells are people who have been placed in our country for one function, and for the destruction of our nation.  The sleeper cells are just what they are called, “sleepers”, until the cells are given orders, then they become activated.   I will give a little and simple and brief description on “sleeper cells”.  Those who are in our country that belong to these cells are mostly just like any other American.  They “blend” in.  They live in fairly decent areas, and have jobs, and keep a low profile.  They can even be “you’re” next door neighbor, and you would never know they are part of a sleeper cell. 
Once they are called into action, the cells come alive, and members of the cells receive their orders.  There orders can consist of suicide bombings, destruction of prime targets (buildings, dignitaries, political figures, poison city water supplies, disrupt transit systems with explosives, hijack planes, etc.).  The methods the cells will use to carry out their destruction is endless.
            Those in sleeper cells, are very hard to detect. According to security reports and releases, given to the American Public, there are those cells that are known, and many others that little or nothing is known about at all.  Needless to say, the Muslim terrorist sleeper cells, are probably one of the most (potentially) dangerous destructive forces in our nation today.
            And along with the many, many Muslim terrorist sleeper cells in place in this nation, it is only the tip of the ice berg of disaster for America, with the soon to invade, invading forces from several foreign nations.  Are they coming to America?  Will they invade America? Will they kill millions of Americans?  I for one, believe the probability at this time, is extremely high and true.  United States will be facing an enemy, not in another part of the world, but right here, right in our own back yard.  Now, if you have a hard time believing what I just stated, then think back to the terrible attack and destruction in New York City, on the twin towers, and the over 2,500 innocent people who were murdered by radical Muslim terrorists.  Is that good enough of a wake up call for you and everyone to believe that America is going to be attacked?  I hope to God it is!
            Please, let me say this before going on with my report any further.  I do not for a moment, want to see America attacked.  I really don’t want to believe what I am writing in this report.  But there is overwhelming information and truths about the coming invasion, as well as what has already happened here in the U.S. to just close our eyes and say, NO, I can’t believe this, and I won’t believe that American is going to be attacked.  Call my report a wake up call!  I truly believe that it is!  It scares me just like anyone else of the probability of our nation actually being attacked, and almost destroyed by radical Muslim terrorists.  But let me go further with what I just stated.
            Let’s just call it the way it is with the Islam religion!  I am not going to beat around the bush!  The Muslim religion is radical.  It is one of the most radical religions in the world.  It is radical, because the Islam religion condones killing people who do not believe or follow their religion.  It is radical, because it teaches that women are inferior, and are regularly or routinely physically hurt or beaten by Muslim men.  Actually, the Islam religion is not a religion.  It is a cult, and an extremely bad one!
            The Islam religion still remains in the dark ages.  The times of the horrible crusades of killing unbelievers in the name of God, as well as killing those who will not convert!  The dark ages are over!  Many religions of the world have gone through “their” dark ages.  The Islam religion or cult has NOT!  They still remain in the dark ages of yesteryear!
            I want to get back to the coming invasion of Muslims. According to our first President, George Washington’s, extraordinary visions and visitations of the spirit of God, our nation will lay in ruins, although not completely destroyed, and not defeated.  George Washington was shown in a vision that people from over seas, in the Africa and Middle East, and European area, would be invading our nation.  This vision that Washington received was about the future in our country.  But before I go on, and give a short account from excerpts taken from a copy of Washington’s actual visions, I want to explain about who are the people that will be coming from several nations over seas.
            Although, in Washington’s vision, in the 3rd peril to hit America, it is not given exactly who the people are that are coming to invade us, but rather, only the names of the continent areas (Africa, Asia, Europe).  So in order to understand and figure out just what people are being spoken about (the invaders), we must analyze it.  Who are the invaders?  We know that a great number of Muslims live in Africa, Asia, and Europe?  We realize the vision and or prophecy must not be speaking about our allies, and those nations that are friendly towards us.  There is no short range or long range knowledge of any of our allies turning against us, and with any intent to invade us, or any reason to do so.  We have to narrow this down, to figure out just who would be the most likely candidates of the invasion.
            We know for a fact, that there are several Muslim countries that mostly hate the U.S., and hate us enough to want to destroy America. We know for a fact that Iran is one of those countries, that has made it 100% crystal clear, we are on their number 1 or 2  “hit” list of destruction (Israel being their number 1 enemy).  There are a few Arab Muslim countries that tolerate the U.S.  But even though they tolerate the U.S., there is seething hatred that is growing, and eventually will lead them into following those Arab Muslim nations that want and or will invade America.
            We must also consider the Muslim religion as being one of the main driving factors in determining the invasion.  Many foreign and most Arab Muslims view the United States as an Anti-Christ.  Most of us have heard it on TV and or radio probably many times, stated that Muslims believe 100% we are of Satan, and want us destroyed.  I think I have said enough to determine who will be the invading force or forces that will attack the United States.  All fingers point to the radical Muslim people.  I realize there are Muslims that do not want to see America invaded or destroyed.  But the numbers of those are very, very small in contrast to the vast majority of Muslim people that want to see America destroyed.
            It is fairly easy for me to see and understand just who Washington was being told about, that would invade the United States, the Muslims.
            My last point, I want to make about the coming invasion is this, whether we are invaded by the Muslims, or not, there will be an invasion.  I have just made a very brazen and very straight out statement, and I would not have done so, had it not been for the fact that I made it based on truth, accuracy and proof.
            The truth, accuracy and proof are based on the simple fact that Washington’s visions were shown of 3 great wars that took place in and with America.  The first Peril was the war between the North and South in our country.  Peril number 2., was World War II.
            The accuracy of the vision is 100% right on, that Washington received.  The truth is also 100% right on!  The proof is as well, 100% right on!  How could it be possible that the 3rd vision would be false and untrue?  With all probability, the 3rd vision being false would be next to impossible.  Or, the odds (and I am guessing here), might be a million to one, that the 3rd and final peril “wont” happen!
            In God's word (the Christian Bible), we are taught that there HAS to be “confirmation” of a prophecy and or of a vision.  Washington’s vision have received already, 2 confirmations.  That is enough to prove that the 3rd peril or part of the vision and or prophecy, is then also, 100% true!

            I am going to give you a little refresher course, or for the first time for some, the REAL truth about our nation’s first president, George Washington, and being a man of God.
            Washington was a very religious man.  His faith, and the practice of it, was widely known at the time when he was president. Washington was known to pray every day, as well as read his Bible everyday as well.  Washington was not a drinker, or as some of our public schools have taught many of our children across the U.S., a drunkard, and a regular visitor at local taverns.  That of course is a lie, and had no factual history of the man to back that nonsense up.
            It was reported in Valley Forge, that Washington was often seen going off at night into the woods away from his men (soldiers), to pray on his knees.  Washington would never make a military decision without first seeking out God in prayer for direction.  George Washington was a most astounding, and faithful and true Christian. Thank God for that man.
            I included a partial copy below, of the actual vision and or prophecy (as recorded at the Library of Congress in Washington).  I will also list several web sites where they entire account can be read later on after the below account partial copy.


"And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.' At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.' When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.
"Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.
"Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.' As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!
"Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with o loud voice" `While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.' And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word `UNION,' he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, `Amen.'
"The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, `Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union. With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress and destiny of the United States."


            Our first president was shown by divine revelation, that in the future, a people from African and Asian countries “will” be invading the United States
            As George Washington reveals in a most descriptive manner, he saw many cities, towns and hamlets in flames of fire, and ravished and almost completely destroyed by the invading forces.  It was also shown to him that it appeared the United States was about to be completely destroyed, but then in Washington’s account; he (Washington) saw that the people of the United States were able by force to push back the invaders to stop the complete destruction of our country.
            Washington clearly explains that the U.S. will come close to almost complete destruction, but at the last minute, the tide will turn, and those Americans would stop the destruction by the invaders.
            In the wake of the destruction of our nation, Washington’s vision account explains of seeing many towns, and many major cities completely destroyed.  What appears in the vision to almost look as the U.S. will not be able to bounce back after such destruction, Washington wrote that he saw the people of this nation rebuilding from the ruins.
            Washington was told by an Angelic being, or through some sort of divine contact, that our nation would not be destroyed, and would survive, in spite of what appeared to be mass destruction of our nation’s cities, towns and hamlets, along with the probability of massive loss of American lives.
            What I have told you, is a most scary scenario of future events that were shown to our first president.  And in case, for those of you who do not believe a word of what I just said, are welcome to do an Internet search, and to visit the many, many web sites that have George Washington’s account of what I just explained, along with a lot more detailed information.

I implore each and everyone to read George Washington’s visions, as well as his memoirs.  I for one have read the book, “George Washington’s Memoirs”.  For those of you who either know little about our first president George Washington and his life, you should read his personal “Memoirs”, which is in a book form, and can be purchased.  Please, do not rely on TV for a very truthful or accurate account of Washington and his life.  It is unfortunate for many of your young people who attend public schools, to also get a clear teaching and understanding about George Washington.  I am not condemning “all” public school for that, but rather, there are many public schools who teach little or nothing about America’s first president. 
            Shockingly, reported to me by several public school students and several parents of public school students, have told me, that what has been taught in their schools about Washington, is that he was a drunkard, war monger, and often seen being carried home from taverns in a drunken stupor.  This is utter nonsense and lies, without any historical fact, or any truthful, accurate and proven information to back it up!  It shocks me today, to realize there are public schools who either fail to teach our children about our founding fathers, and the real truth about them, as well as those public schools that teach nothing about our founding fathers at all.  Disgraceful, totally wrong, and to me, it is outrageous!

            I am convinced without any doubts, the United States will be attacked.  It will be attacked from Muslim invaders outside of our nation on our soil, as well as Muslim invaders from inside our nation.
            The handwriting is on the wall.  We hear regular news reports of the growing anger and rage of many of the Muslim Arab countries against the United StatesIran, who now is the major player in backing any Muslims in killing Americans, and wanting to destroy America, will stop at nothing to carry out its mission!
            Iran is poised to destroy Israel.  And now with Iran’s nuclear program, they either have already been in production of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, or are very, very close in building those weapons.  Once they have enough nukes in their arsenal, they “will” hit Israel, and will try to destroy Israel.  But it wont stop there.  It will continue on, and they will next go after the United States, after they have attacked Israel.
            We must remember, or be aware, that there are several million Muslim Arabs in this nation!  Several million!  And we must accept that out of those several million, there are perhaps a thousand or ten thousand, or even a hundred or so thousand of them, that are either sleeper cells (a number of them), as well as the rest of the numbers, are in submission to their faith, and will follow “Allah”, in destroying the infidel, US!  And I am not just talking about the “radical” Muslims.  ALL Muslims are taught to hate the infidel. Any unbeliever of Islam is an infidel.
            And just so I make sure to clarify what I am saying, when I use the word “radical”.  Contrary to many TV news shows and commentators, who "only" call Arab terrorists the Radical Muslims, that is the furthest from the truth.  The Islam religion is entirely radical, and teaches in the Q’uran to kill ALL infidels (non Muslims).  This teaching is not taught or believed by just the radicals of the Islam religion, it is taught to ALL Muslims.  The killing of the infidels is one of the main teachings of the Q’uran, and for all Muslims, “EVERY WHERE!”
            Our nation is on the brink of almost complete destruction by the Muslims.  But remember this.  Washington was told that America would not be totally destroyed, and it would rise up from the ruins.  So why?  Why must this happen?  Why does the United States have to go through such a terrible calamity? 
            I have a few ideas as to why this will happen.  First of all, America is on a collision course with God and His judgment upon this nation.  Why judgment?  Well, let’s look at the condition of this great country.  Let’s have an eye opener here!
            I am going to start with worst sins, and work down.  And I am calling it right, SIN!  Why?  Because it is always sin that brings judgment from God.  Judgment, not always on such a massive scale, but judgment never the less.  To put it simple, the worse the sin the greater the judgment.  The lesser the sin, the lesser the judgment.  I as well as millions of Christians profoundly believe that God will judge this or any other nation that morally decays.  Such great sins as killing the unborn babies, is number one on why brings judgment.  Sexual immorality sin (Homosexuality, incest, bestiality, Pedophilia, and other forms of sexual perversion).  The growth of murder, violence, drug abuse, has grown to such a staggering height!  Children, starting at the ages of even 7 years old, have and are becoming drug and alcohol addicts.  Horrendous, and almost unspeakable murders have literally (the growth rate) have gone through the ceiling in the past 20 years alone!  We even have major cities in our country to day that are considered to be “war zones”, because of the incredible crime, and gangs!  A war zone!  Can you imagine how bad our country has gotten, that we now have what is considered “war zones” in our own nation in a number of our major cities?  And in the past 10 to 15 years, school shootings have been rapidly growing in numbers, and in deaths and injuries.  A child, or several going on a shooting spree and killing another student or several students).
            I live in Wisconsin, in a rural country area.  My town has a population of only 400 people, and we are 12 to 14 miles away from the nearest city (with populations of 10,000 to 14,000).
            Within the past year, and within 12 to 30 miles from my home, there has been (that I know of), 3 incidents with students with guns.  2 of the incidents, a student and a teacher were shot to death.  The 3rd incident, the teacher managed to get the gun away from the student! Keep in mind, this in a rural country area, with a very small population. My point is this.  This particular crime is growing so rapidly, as well as growing in numbers, that it has gone beyond the big cities, and now covers all over our country, and it continues to grow worse and worse ever year.
            There is major breakdown in families.  Divorce rates are beyond the word ridiculous.  It is an accepted standard with what I think, the majority of Americans, to either get divorced, or hear of divorcing.  30 or so years ago, divorce was considered a shame, and was almost not acceptable, with also being a disgrace to those that did divorce.
            In the past 40 or so years, we have seen a rapid change for the very worst with lack of respect from the young towards their elders. Almost every sacred family unity bond, is being broken or totally being destroyed in a great percentage of families across this country. 
            TV and radio in the past 40 or so years, has gone beyond (I think) as one the worst causes of all, of breaking down morality, and literally tearing it up!  Open sex, profanity, profaning God, often with TV shows constantly attacking almost every moral issue, and laughing at it, and laughing at those who “still” believe in the “old fashioned” morals.  Dare I say, that at least 50% to perhaps 60% of the people in this country, have turned against almost all of everything that this country of ours once held sacred, dear, and Godly, and ALL within the past 40 or so years?  If this true, then it is no wonder why God’s judgment is being brought upon America.  NO question at all, as to why!
            And do any of us think, or would any on us even dare think to say or believe that God would turn the other way, and not judge America for this country’s great moral sins?  There is one great sin alone, that I feel deeply in my being that stands out more then any of the others before God, and that is this one.  ABORTION!  Murdering, or should I say the ongoing “GENOCIDE” of millions and millions of unborn babies (NOT FETUS’S).  NO unborn child is a FETUS!  The word Fetus was designed to try to soothe the consciousness of those guilty of abortion or killing the unborn.  I truly believe that is the reason why, after it became law that women could kill their unborn, the word FETUS was introduced as a commonly used word. My God!  My God!  But this great sin, is enough to bring God’s most worst judgment.  If that if so, then the rest of America’s great sins, are just like adding salt to an already open wound, isn’t it?
            No, there is no way this nation will escape God’s judgment. NONE!  Oh, I shouldn’t say that, like that.  There is one way, but I do not believe at all that it will happen.  And that is this.  The word of God tells us that in order to turn God’s wrath, is to call a solemn assembly, and pray and cry out on to HIM, to forgive and to turn God’s wrath away from us.  And that is true!  When people pray and cry out onto God for HIM to stop his anger against them, God will cease His anger (providing that one that is praying, or whatever number praying, mean it with all their hearts and soul).  But this situation is different, with the great sin I am talking about.  I firmly believe, that it would take millions of people, all meeting together in various places, and all crying out to God for forgiveness of killing the unborn, (and then showing God they mean business, by stopping all abortions, and outlawing it), we might have a chance to avoid God’s really bad judgments.  But I do not believe that will happen in America for abortion.  I cannot see how millions of people would cry out onto God, and all the doctors who kill babies, praying as well, and also asking for forgiveness of murdering, and then instantly the government passes an immediate law, to outlaw any more abortions.  I am sorry, but I don’t believe that will happen, as much as I would like to believe it would be possible.
            This has been only a few examples of how, I believe we could turn that invasion around.  But without a shadow of a doubt, the future invasion is a judgment of God.  It is, truly, a judgment!  It is, because it was divinely shown, and to one of our greatest president’s, (and our first president).  The other 2 perils came to pass.  The 3rd one is yet to be, but it was part of the 3rd, and all 3 parts of the vision of the perils were given together.  There is no way that this peril will not happen unless a miracle happens.  And it would have to be one of the greatest miracles ever recorded to change God’s mind on bringing judgment to America!
            Let us prepare ourselves for the upcoming invasion.  I have no idea how long it will be before it begins.  No one does.  But let us be realistic here.  The signs are here and now!  They truly are!  Every clue in the 3 rd peril points to the growing conflict with the Muslim and it’s religion, and culture.  The 3rd peril tells us, that the invading forces are coming from Africa (African Nations), Asia (Asian Nations), and Europe (European Nations).  The clues seem to Clearly point to the Muslims, and the Arab Muslims as well.  We also know after reading about the 3 perils, about the bright lights and the huge dark clouds and destruction, that that does get us to believe that it is talking about nuclear bombs exploding.  But there is one thing that says that is not possible, and that event of the implication of the bright lights in the sky, and the huge dark clouds and destruction, which means a nuclear bomb or bombs exploding, could not have happened in World War II.  It didn’t.  So we are left to believe and see that in the 3rd peril, it speaks of the bright lights and huge dark clouds (implying that there was a nuclear bomb explosion, or several).  And we know that has not happened in this country, never (other then, the controlled nuclear bomb tests in certain remote places in our country), but had nothing to do with any  war conflict, or an attack that was going on in our nation.
            With all that said, and with this shocking report.  It is clear to this reader; it is only a matter of time before the 3rd peril will happen, and in America.
            My closing words and remarks are these.  IF you do not know Jesus Christ as your savior, and you have not been born again as Jesus Himself stated in the “Gospel of John Chapter 3”, then YOU do not know God nor do you have Him in your life or heart or soul.  And if you ARE NOT BORN AGAIN, then when that invasion begins, (should you and I be here at that time) and you are among those who perish in that invasion and are not born again, YOU WILL NOT be able to be with God in heaven!
            I feel strongly to say this.  Turn to Jesus while there is yet time! He is your only hope!  All you have to do to have Jesus come into your life and heart, is to pray to Him, and really mean it, to ask Him to forgive you of all your sins (no matter how small or how big), and then ask him to save you, and believe that He died for you, and ask HIm to forgive you of your sins, and tell Him that you love Him, and then thank Him, and mean it with all your heart and soul, and you WILL be saved and born again!  And that is a promise of God!
            Pray for America!  Pray for everyone!  I truly believe with all my heart, America is in the greatest hour of need it has ever seen or is about to see and go through!  It is coming!  God’s judgment is on the way, and coming so very, very soon!  Don’t wait or put it off, to find Jesus!  Do it!  And do it TODAY!  BUT DO IT NOW!

Rev. Billy Dee        *******"THE OFFICIAL JIM VARNEY TRIBUTE*******
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