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Mary's Weight Wars

Weight Wars Blog

Photo Album

My Battle To Regain The Me Under The Blub!

So This is Me.

My name is Mary. I am seventeen years old, and about to start my freshman year of college. I am 5'2, and 251 pounds. Apparently, that classifies me as "severely obese". So, it appears as though it is time for me to take control and drop the weight the is holding me down!

This website is actually going to be a bit of an experiment. I've spent my entire life trying to drop weight. I've done everything from Weight Watchers to starving myself. Problem is, I've always done it in private so that when I failed... no one knew any better. So perhaps if I get this all out in the open and maybe get just a couple of people to follow me and my progess, they can be my cheerleaders to success, and possibly help me find a way to help others like myself drop the weight they've so desperately wanted to for years and years.

Right now, I am loosely following the Six Week Body Makeover. For those who love to eat, this is the plan. You eat five to six small meals a day, blueprint out your current and ideal body, and work to make everything happen. I will have my eating and workout plan up very soon, along with my body blueprint. I highly recommend people to join me on this plan, I lost 25 pounds in the fall, and it was just a fantastic program!

I love to hear feedback! Please feel free to contact me with questions, encouragement, or anything at

UPDATE 7/08/06 New blog up, plus some gym tips and an update on how supportive my dad is being! (NOT!).


UPDATE 7/06/06 I have a new blog entry and some good pictures of myself up. Please feel free to visit the links and check it all out!

Copyright2006 WeightWars MarySchembre All rights reserved