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Phantom Pariah Films Homepage

Phantom Pariah Films is the culmination of about a year and a half of trying to come up with a good name for a production company. We're the same filmmakers who were previously known as Unscripted Productions. Why the moniker change? Alas, said name was already taken by the people who bring you Regis and Kelly. And no, we're not kidding. So, we've renamed ourselves and are now in the process of revamping our site. We make indie films on shoestring budgets. We're Phantom Pariah Films, and we're keeping it that way, Regis or no!

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Our Unscripted Productions Homepage (now defunct)

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Dreams of Revenge


At long last the screenplay for Dreams of Revenge is finished (and we we have to say it sure took long enough - although we still have to do the Final Polish) and we're now on the infamous Storyboard Phase of the operation. With any luck, we'll soon have some storyboard pictures up for the enquiring minds to see. Also, we're about to start (hopefully) setting up times for casting calls/auditions. And, to top it all off, we're soon to be taking so preliminary test footage (weather permitting, of course). So, stay tuned for more updates! (Last updated 1/2/06)Sonnyboo's Filmmaking Site

Matthawkins Online Filmmaking Forum

Celtx Free Screenplay Formatting Program