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Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: First and Foremost, I'm THE COACH and welcome to the very first edition of Interactive, a show hosted by the best color commentator in the business, you know, why are you looking over there? Its me, Johnathan Coachman and what a show we have for you tonight. I have the very first W3E Champion in studio, the retired Frank Correa. First, let's start from the beginning. WGWF was the predecessor of W3E, how about the first time you lost the WG title, who booked it and do you believe you should have won?

Frank Correa: Veronica, a.k.a Stephanie McMahon came in to WG as the first and only diva in the fed, with there being no other diva's to wrestle she chose to manage me during my first "world title run," that angered alot of people that she chose me instead of many. Jimmy (the then WG owner) wanted her as his valet and he was booking Jac (Former Steve Blackman), who was fresh off winning the belt from Sting, against me. I talked to Jimmy telling him that I was the better roleplayer and there was no chance that I was going to lose. Jimmy told me to read Jac's rp's before making judgement. The match happened and what was written was Stephanie McMahon getting banned from ringside and Jac squashing me in 5 minutes which at that time i thought was bullshit and I held a grudge against both Jimmy and Jac for a long while for.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: I can believe that, it sounds bullshit to me as well, so that basically caused you to leave WG for a while or were there other reasons?

Frank Correa: After that Jac was very cocky, and that pissed off Jimmy...I beat Skitso (Former Mankind) to be #1 contender again. The day after I lost to Jac, Mac (Aaron, current W3E chairman) came to me and offered me a shot in the WWWE (then WWWF) as it was starting to open, this was before I was dating Veronica and I was still angry with Jimmy so I accepted as he put me in the first main event at WWWF GroundZero. In which I won the WWWF title in a 5-way match. Mac gained control of WGWF from Jimmy while still running WWWF as well. I faced Jac once again in WGWF at the first annual King of the Ring in July of 2002 where I beat him finally. Shortly after I made a allegience with Jac to go after the Tag title but myself and Jimmy screwed him, instead I won the tag titles myself and the other was given to Jimmy, at this point in time I had 3 belts at one time which got massive heat from everyone and was my first encounter with politics.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: You're the 1st to win both the WG and WWWF Titles together at the same time, how much heat did you get from the rper's in general? And what was your reaction to that heat?

Frank Correa: Everyone was jealous and felt that I was being a glory hog, I had grown a massive ego and was being a real jackass to everyone thinking I was hot shit, me pissing off people in rp led them to hating me in real life. I was taken off the roster for a while because Jac framed me into a fight with him because he was sore over losing to me. Did I deserve it? Yes because I was being a cocky arrogant asshole, things didnt get better when it leaked that I was dating Veronica, Mac's (Aaron's) sister..and he was the owner both WG and WWWF. Mr. P was also in Charge with a man named "Steve" who was later revealed as the guy that played Sting in the fatal five-way match at WWWF GroundZero 2002...and guess what at the next and last WG PPV, Vengeance, it would be HBK against Sting.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: And that's when it was known that you'd leave for good after knowing Sting would book himself to win, who told you that anyway?

Frank Correa: Mac came to me, he was a good friend out of the rp and we were like bro's and still are. He told me the guy that played Sting was "Steve" and he was booking the main event. To make matters worse I got in an arguement with Trent (played Triple H at the time) and he made racial comments to me which helped sway my desicion on just saying fuck everyone i�m leaving. So I dropped both the WG World and Tag titles and stood with the WWWF Title. Of course the match was then changed to Sting Vs Triple H Vs The Rock in which Sting won. However 3 days later the Rp fed was closed because it was getting very personal. I made a deal with Mac to return to the fed at the end of the PPV which would mark the return of Trent (Former Triple H) who hadn�t been in rp seen since he left the fed for WF (WG's rival fed) early in the WG. Everyone was saying how he was better than me and it pissed me off that I became so jealous I requested to be in a segment at the end of the ppv which was meant for him and beat him up. Mac agreed, it was stupid and once again my ego taking control. WG was closed and everyone then moved to the WWWF.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: There was a time you were in the WF, who was the owner and how many people truly bashed you there?

Frank Correa: Devon Munky was the owner and this was before WG closed and after I won the WG United States Championship (March 02). I left because a wave of jobber's hit the rp fed. I came to WF thinking I was hot shit, I posted an ooc message that was took the wrong way and was bashed, I then told Munky to kiss my ass and I was banned from entering WF.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: Why did Shane McMahon (Josh) aka Mac's (Aaron's) real-life bro decide to hack the website?

Frank Correa: He was commish at the time and was mad everyone took him as a joke, he was an asshole and a dickhead to the roster, he was more hated than me at my most hated point. He also didn�t like the fact that I dated his sister (Veronica, Stephanie McMahon in rp) so myself and him got in an argument and he fired me. A guy named TC (played Stone Cold Steve Austin) hacked into the website and deleted the boards so he couldn�t have any powers. So yea TC did it not Josh but he did it for a good reason, TC was afraid to tell anybody but me because he thought he would get heat for it like Josh did since Josh took the fall and we played along blaming Josh.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: So that's the whole story, how about the match between you and MJ (Former Vampiro.)

Frank Correa: One of my best matches ever. I really rped my ass off as did Vampiro, it was my last world title match for 5 months and last world title in 7. IMO it was the biggest main event for a show ever and everyone put on one hell of a show, its very memorable to me and other people.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: Was there ever a time that you wanted to just retire from rp all together?

Frank Correa: Many times and many times I did, mostly due to politics or of course me getting blamed for people not getting pushes, I always said i'd be behind Mac (Aaron) so I always came back to help out when business was down, IMO the only champs that actually proved they could hang with the World Title was Dom (Former The Rock), TC (Former Stone Cold) and Chris Saint (Former Y2J). Everyone else didn�t earn that title and when they had it they showed they didn�t deserve it.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: I agree there, who was your favorite person to feud with and why?

Frank Correa: Chris Saint and myself had the main event feud for WrestleMania 1 and it was my best and happened when I was in my prime. We both did a great job, it was the first time we ever faced eachother, he was over as a heel and I was back as a face with Stephanie (Veronica) managing Chris Saint and we had gone through a 'divorce' and she was the ref. All together it mixed for a great storyline and match up.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: Let's go on more about the WWWF changing it's name to the WWWE (W3E), how did that come about, was it a vote or just wanted to change the name like WWF did to WWE?

Frank Correa: TC had the idea to introduce a new era of rp to Mac (Aaron), and after more thinking he did it.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: Of the new rpers that you saw come into WWWF, who did you think was going to be the most successful, I'm sure there were quite a few guys but who stands out and why?

Frank Correa: Kevin (Former Scott Hall) and Gano (Former Billy Kidman) I knew were gonna be huge, but I think MJ (Former Vampiro) was the best new talent and the first roleplayer I ever respected. I told Chris Woody to give notice to MJ and he did. MJ was huge, at that time I didn�t respect anybody but either myself or people from the fallen WG. Very stupid but I was stupid back then.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: Is there any chance we could see you back in W3E?

Frank Correa: I would like to say yes, but probably not. I'm 21 going on 22 and I have other responsibilities to attend to, but never say never.

Johnathan ' The Coach ' Coachman: Well I want to thank you once again for giving our viewers and new talent insight on the beginning and formation of WG to the WWWF and now the W3E. Also don't miss High Infriction, when it all begins again!


W3E gets Interactive
'Interactive' will be a weekly show hosted by 'The Coach' Johnathan Coachman, featured right here on the W3E web. Wanna be a future guest on Interactive? Send an email to w3entertainment@yahoo.com.

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