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Patric's Webpage



About me....

Ths first thing to know is that, if it were up to me, I wouldn't be writing this paragraph about myself on my own will. Anyways, I will start with my interests. My two main hobbies, Wargaming, and Reenacting, are the MOST expensive hobbies in the world, save maybe Extreme Shark Hunting, or Yacht Collecting.

Now, onto Wargaming....

I got into wargaming (historical) when I walked into Days of Knights, and picked up a back issue of Miniature Wargames and thought (what the heck... hey, this is pretty cool). And it all went down hill from there.....

Now I wargame with a small local group, DAWG (Delaware Area Wargames Group), and my house is stuffed with unpainted lead and plastic figures (Well, if you want to be technical, that would be lead/tin alloy, or pewter).

You can probably find more about the Holy Wonders of Wargaming, in the future, if I ever remember to update the page...

And about Reenacting....

I am a proud member of the 55th Virginia Confederate Infantry! Private 1st class (which, for those of you who don't know much about army organizeation, that would be a basic foot solider). The best part is, I get to fire off a Enfield Musket, and wear a unifom, with buttons that have C.S.A. (Confederate States of America) on the jacket.

I will probably make a page about that too (eventually)...



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