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Hi All.

I'm 18 and female.

It may be a suprise but many ladies are infact uncomfortable with menstruation themselves, even though they deal with it every month.

For each person it is different for how long it last, how much flow there is, or the symptoms that come along with it. Many may experience lower abnominal pain, often called "cramps", that result from the uterus contrancting to rid the lining tissue. The length, severity, and the location(s) affected differs for each person. Mood swings may also occur along with bloating, and diarrhea just to name a few symptoms.

I personally experience severe pain in the lower abmonal area for the first day or first two days. Menstrual pain of this type is usually a strong throbbing for those who have no means of knowing what it is like. I personally have symptoms of diarrhea for the same days I have abdominal discomfort too.

I have bean using pads since I first got my period ranging from always, to kotex, to stayfree which I currently prefer using. I have also tried tampons of many types including 100% cotton often sold at health food stores but cannot seem to feel comfortable with them. I believe the reason is my body size as I am a small person. It also doesn't help to have a tampon in when I am having diarrhea as the space in my pelvis is not unlimitted.

I have found a remedy for mentrual symptoms but I seem to have a hard time remembering to take this. I use "raspberry leaf tea" which can be found at any health food store. It seems to work differently for each person but I have to drink it regularly for about two or three days a month. Others say taking it when they have thier period works for them. As to how effective it works, for me taking it regularlly clears all menstrual discomfort entirely. I swear by it so long as if I do remember to take it.