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Welcome to Gudrun's page

At last, my own page on the web! Created for the sole purpose of becoming a member of the web community again after a period of hiding. I hope you'll enjoy my notes, pictures and links. Feel free to send me an email at MyFirstName AT I would especially enjoy an email from you if we've met at some point. I've lost touch with a lot of friends over the years, and that annoys me. I like knowing what friends and former acquaintances do now.

Please also tell me if you find a mistake on these pages, either spelling mistakes (yes, I do make them) or if a link doesn't work.

I'm sorry about the banner at the top and also the annoying popups, I hope you don't mind too much. When I get my own internet provider, I'll remedy this!

I've created a blog! It's my "late-January" resolution to keep entering entries... So let's see how long it lasts. It would be great to have a record of how many kilometers I manage to ski this winter though.

Below is a piccie that might remind you of who I am. It is from the top of Goatfell on Arran on the Scottish West Coast. It was taken by a former colleague from Mitel and great walking buddy, Eddie McInally.

On top of Goatfell

Last update: 7 March 2007.