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Counterfeit Revival Roots & History .... Scroll Down For Links ... 

ApostolicReformation • CharlesFParhamThePentecostalRootCounterfeitRevivalFalseDoctrines • FirstPersonFaith&HealingWhere'sTheEvidence>WilliamDembskiNew Wine DeceptionSoakingSpiritualDisciplineOrEasternMysticism?SpiritOfErrorExaminingTheSpostolicPropheticMovement (WordPress) • ThirdWaveDoctrines (DeceptionInTheChurch) • Todd Bentley > Forums & LinksTodd Bentley On Angelfirevja4HimGuestbookWhat Does The Bible Say About False Prophets and False Teachers? • 
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There is so much talk about the latest revival in Lakeland, Florida, I decided to start my own webpage on the revival craze. My plan is to provide scripture and links to articles, showing that Todd Bentley's revival is counterfeit, and that Todd is a false prophet. This is another dangerous event, leading many people astray, and away from God.

If you are confused, but really want to know the One, True, Living God, then do what the Bible says -- Call on the name of Jesus, ask Jesus to forgive your sins, repent, confess your sins, and confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9-10), and that He was crucified, buried, and resurrected from the dead, and lives forever.

Read your Bible everyday. Memorize scripture, at least several Bible verses each week. Find a rock-solid church, where the people practice the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), especially self-control; that believes in the Bible, teaches the Bible, preaches the Bible; with people who are down-to-earth, sensitive to people's needs and hurts, and provides sound, Biblical support.

Read about my own personal experience with counterfeit revival: || My Personal Experience ||

Counterfeit Revival -- What Does The Bible Say? -- Some people just want a quick fix, rather than dig into the word of God for themselves. The Bible warns us that many will come as false teachers:

Counterfeit Revival Roots & History -- || 10 ReasonsToRejectKingdomDominionTeachings (byTriciaTillin) || AreChristiansSupposedToTakeDomion? (byRobertM.Bowman,Jr>CRI) || CharlesFParhamThePentecostalRoot || FalseRevivalComparison || HeresiesThenAndNow || InfluenceLinksThirdWaveMovement || KingdomTheology (byAlbertJamesDager) || Lakeland || LatterRain (byThomasIce) || ModernHeresyTimeline || PensacolaBrownsville ||| StrangeHistoryOfPentecostalism (byDavidWCloud) ||| TheFaultyFoundationOfTheFive-FoldMinistry (byRobertMBowmanJr) || TheGospelAccordingToPaulk:ACritiqueOfKingdomTheology (byRobertMBowmanJr) || TorontoBlessing || UnbiblicalDoctrinesTeachingPHenomenaThirdWaveCounterfeitRevivelMovement || 

Charles F. Parham The Pentecostal Root -- Charles Parham denied eternal punishment. He was a racist and became a full member of the KKK by 1910. William Seymour was also influential in the Azusa Street Revival, and he was also racist (excluding whites and Hispanics). Some of the denominations either started from or related to Parham or Seymour: Church of God in Christ, Assemblies of God, United Pentecostal Church, Unitarian Pentecostal Movement, Pentecostal Church of God, and International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Ministers from Christian and Missionary Alliance joined in 1907. A.B. Simpson, a Keswick Holiness teacher and found of CMA partook of the "Full Gospel and Blessing" from Parham.

Parham was a member of the Freemasons. He presented a gavel to the Baxter Spring Masonic Lodge 12 in 1928. Parham went against the scriptures and approved of women pastors. His own daughter was a pastor of an Aimee Semple McPearson Four Square Church. Parham was arrested for sexual indiscretions with boys.

Parham taught the two seed theory (William Branham also taught the two seed theory), which claims there was a pre-Adamite race. This is a demonic teaching ... !!! Claiming that Satan had sex with Eve, and she became pregnant with the seed of Satan. Thus, Cain was the son of Satan. This is not Biblical, and is full blown heresy!!!
// Serpent Seed Heresy // SerpentsSeedDoctrine-Watchman //

Source: // BritishIsrael/ChristianIdentityConnection // PentecostalismAnOverview // Seed of Satan - Literal or Figurative? // Sins of "the father" -- Charles F. Parham The Pentecostal Root //  //  

Kingdom Theology: • Latter Rain • Identity • Manifest Sons of God • Restoration • Reconstruction • Charismatic Renewel • Shepherding/Discipleship • Kindom Message • Positive Confession

Kingdom Terminology: • Dominion • Overcomer(s) • Word-Faith • Spoken Word • Five-fold ministry • Latter Rain • Tabernacle of David • Feast of Tabernacles • Many-menbered man child • Manifestation of the Kingdom • Manifestation of the Sons of God • Ongoing Incarnation • Birthing of the Spirit • Get this into your spirit • Unity (of the Body) • Serpent's Seed or Seed of the Serpent • Faith in faith • Kingdom principles • Christ principles • Elijah Company • Bride Company • The Christ • Ecclesias •

Latter Rain: The New Testament is slient regarding a restoration of the church.

Kingdom - Dominion: Basically focuses on man instead of God and Jesus Christ.

Are Christians Supposed To Take Dominion?: This brief article takes a look at two different movements striving for the goal to take dominion of the earth before Christ returns.

The Faulty Foundation Of The Five-Fold Ministry, by Robert M. Bowman, Jr.: Is the Bible sufficient, or do we need something else?

The Gospel According To Paulk: A Critique Of Kingdom Theology: Brief commentary on Paulk's faulty theology.

The Strange History Of Pentecostalism, by David W. Cloud: Includes history of John Alexander Dowie, Maria Beulah Woodworth-Etter, Charles Parham, Frank Sandford, Azusa Street Missiion, William Branham, Franklin Hall, Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee Semple McPherson, A.J. Tomlinson, A.A. Allen, Jack Coe, Charles Price, Jamaica, Africa, David Duplessis, Smith Wigglesworth, Kenneth Hagin, Sr., Oral Roberts, Morris Cerullo, John Wimber, Charles and Frances Hunter, Jamie Buckingham, Laughing Revival

SpiritOfErrorExaminingTheSpostolicPropheticMovement (WordPress) •  •  

Test the spirits -- "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1)

I'm looking for any terms that are used regarding the various so-called revivals. If you have any terms to add to my list, please leave your comments on my vja4HimGuestbook (even just one word at a time). Thanks.

Words and phrases associated with counterfeit revival, false teachers, the occult, New Age, etc. • soaking • under cover • impartation • annointing • manifestations • angels • glory orbs • sitting at the feet •

Just a few false teachers/prophets: • RyanWyatt • PatriciaKing • MelissaFisher • CheAhn • BennyHinn • John Arnott • Rodney Howard Brown (CounterfeitRevival>CRI) • Harold Camping • William Branham • Bob Jones • ToddBentley • SundarSingh •

My Story: My own personal experience with counterfeit revival -- I accepted Christ as my Savior at a Four Square church in Clackamas, Oregon, in September, 1979. I was lucky to have found a church that was well grounded in the word of God, but there were people in the church promoting false doctrines already. I remember someone gave me a book called something like, "Name It And Claim It." I thought it was interesting, but never really took it seriously. I'm glad that I had enough common sense to continual reading scripture. I finished reading the entire Bible in only five months. Before I was saved I had already read the five books of Moses, Genesis through Deuteronomy, and Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and Revelations. I was also listening to Christian radio before I was saved, and remember listening to Back To The Bible, with Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Strange how the Lord was preparing me ....

I had also attended an Assembly of God church in Portland, Oregon. I remember Pastor Bunn. There were only a couple people who spoke in tongues, and not every week. It really wasn't that exciting, and it didn't really seem to bother me at the time. I was 13 years old when I was going to AOG.

Pastor Bunn preached a lot of hell, fire, and damnation, and I thank God for that preacher!! That is exactly what I needed to hear, and when I was in jail reading the Bible, it was the book of Revelations that brought me to my senses!! I can remember very clearly, ever since I was about four years old, can you believe that(?), I knew, even at that young age, that I was on my way to hell!! How did I know that? I didn't want to go to hell. I wanted to find an escape, and I knew it had something to do with God and church, but that's all I knew.

My parents took me to church until I was about 10 or 11. We attended a conservative Baptist church, but it wasn't until I visited the Assembly of God church, for about one year, that I really got interested in the Bible, and began to listen more closely. Pastor Bunn would get us invovled with a really fun game called Bible Sword Drill. We would hold up our Bibles, closed, and Pastor Bunn would shout out a Bible verse, then whoever found it first, would stand up and read the scripture. I loved to play that game, even though I was not even a Christian yet!!!

It wasn't the tongues, shouting, emotional stuff that got me interested in God. It was clearly the word of God, the Bible, that drew me closer to the One, True, Living God!!! The conviction that I was a sinner, in need of a Savior, and that I was on my way to hell, for eternity, had me scared! The complete message of salvation brought me to me senses, and opened up my heart, and I repented, accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, and believed that He was

I remember hearing the teachings from one of the Kenneths (either Haggin or Copeland, or perhaps both of them) that you need to speak to your sickness, and rebuke it in the name of Jesus, and even if you are still not healed, just walk around like you are not sick! Just pretend that you don't have anythng wrong with you. Because if you admit that you are sick, then you can't be healed. Just keep going around saying, "I'm healed, I'm healed ..." I always thought that was strange, and couldn't find that in the Bible ....

Well, now that I am more mature in Christ, and have more wisdom, and have read the Bible for myself, I understand that the doctrine of "Name It, Claim It," which also has other titles, is a false doctrine, not taught in the Bible. I have a personal friend who lost one of his children because of this heresy that has permeated the church. His sons was sick one night, and my friend and his wife believed that God would heal their son. Well, by the morning, their son was dead. My friend almost went to prison for child neglect. My heart grieves tremendously for my friend, and for many people who have lost loved ones because they believe a false teaching, and have listened to false teachers, and been indoctrinated with heresy, that has led them astray.


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