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New Apostolic Reformation & Deception In The Church ..... 

// Goals & Implementation for the New Apostolic Reformation // NewApostolicReformation (DeceptionInTheChurch) //  //  

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We are living in perilous times .... Many people are setting themselves up as apostles and prophets, and claiming to speak for the Lord. These self-appointed apostles and prophets are leading many churches into heresey, especially those within the charismatic movement, who are seeking new revelations, visions, prophecies, manifestations, signs, wonders, and miracles.

These false apostles are leading many people astray, including many leaders within the churches. This movement is causing radical changes in Christianity, and is overthrowing the standards of orthodoxy and doctrine which the church has proclaimed for nearly 2000 years. (

One of the strategies used to prepare people to accept the new apostolic reformation is to change the meaning of words. They us Christian terms to mask the hidden agenda. The goal is to obtain support from the majority of Christians. Some of the catch-phrases include: World Evangelization, World Christian Movement --

Some people involved with these movement may have no clue as to what is really going on behind the scenes. They may have good intentions of trying to help people with relief organizatiions, and even claiming these good works in the name of God, and even trying to lead people to God. Unfortunately, many people have become unsuspecting pawns ....

Heretical movements rely on a hierarchy of people who control others. The controlers enjoy lives of luxury, while the supporters continue giving to the leaders. And the cycle goes on and on ..... This type of organization puts people under bondage to the leaders, and takes away the freedom the Christians have in Christ. We are no longer led by the Holy Spirit, but by people who have set themselves up as leaders. (

C.Peter Wagner has formed the International Coalition of Apostles.

Are there still apostles today? What does the Bible say regarding the office of apostles? According the the apostle Paul, he was the last of thte apostles.


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