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Events — Profile

Name:  Vines
Location:  Florida
Birthday:  20 October, 1985
Bio:  Vines was born in Miami on October 20, 1985 as Irvine Edward Green II. This multi-talented individual began as an artist (Drawing, painting) very early in his life. He attended schools with art classes that developed his talent. He graduated from Gibbs High School in 2004 as a Visual Arts major. Previosly at the age of twelve, Vines expressed a strong interest in music. With the aid of his best friend, Kevin, He began to write lyrics and recorded them using a tape recorder, and a keyboard for background music. With this establishment, Vines decided to push his passion for music further. He began working on projects as an amature rap artist to develop his ability to write lyrics. By the age of fifteen, Vines discovered that he had a voice for singing. With this new discovery, he began working on new projects, only this time converging different styles together to experiment while he develops his vocal instrument. After completing so many projects over the years, Vines met with another vocal artist who goes by the name of JHazz. Together they clicked up as a group calling themselves Rezent. They began a project together called Direct Impact. This album mixes at least four different urban genres together and many different styles of urban music to create what they call a "Direct Impact". This was Vines first public release. Right after this project, Vines went right back to the studio as a solo artist and recorded his new album Close Up. Those who have heard Vines' new album, and his albums before it say that he has accomplished a massive improvement. He has come a long way and continues to make progress in making improvements in his music.
Blog Created:  Monday, 3 April 2006
Last Updated:  Monday, 3 April 2006 - 1:14 PM EDT
Blog Entries:  6

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